Reacquainting with Past Clients, Friends & Family

Even under normal circumstances, it’s difficult to stay in touch with friends and family. This year in particular has presented the rarest set of circumstances, making it more challenging than ever to keep in touch with those closest to you. The good news is, this connection is easily restored if someone is just willing to take the first step and reach out.

You’re Losing Money If You’ve Lost Touch

For Real Estate Agents, I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to be the one to reach out when you believe you’ve lost touch with anyone in your Sphere of Influence. For starters, the income potential within your personal contact list is guaranteed in excess of $100,000 – per year! I explain this in more detail in this article on the Power of 119 Contacts

My point is, even though you may be able to generate leads outside of your sphere successfully, if you want to generate a steady and significant income, staying in contact with your power list should always be your primary focus. 

Your Power List

First, let’s just take a moment to understand that your power list should be the finest collection of “your people”, and they’ve been categorized as such because you have some kind of a relationship established with them. This is your ultimate repeat business and referral pipeline. 

Think of it as a fire you had going that’s been reduced to a bed of hot coals. Left unattended the coals will continue to burn down and go out, but if you feed another piece of wood into the coals it’ll catch and the fire will burn again. Now, I’m about to share the most painless and effective way to reignite this fire, and reactivate your repeat and referral business!

Reigniting the Fire

It’s been a while since we’ve spoken…awkward, I know. If you’ve lost touch with friends, family and acquaintances it can be uncomfortable to be the one to reach out, but trust me – the benefits of rekindling your relationship will always outweigh that discomfort. As the saying goes: just reach out and touch someone!

  1. Create a list of contacts that you have not connected with in the last 6 months
  2. Evaluate each contact to decide if reaching out to them via a call, text or a facebook message is the most effective way to approach them
  3. Initiate contact with the most effective approach using a simple, personalized message:
    “Hi <NAME>, it’s been a while since we’ve been in touch and I wanted to check and see if your email <EMAIL> still works?”
  4. If they reply, respond with:
    “Thanks! I’ll be sending over an email to you shortly with some information you might be interested in. Keep a lookout in your Inbox!”
  5. Now you’ll want to send them an email, but not just any market update or seasonal greeting will do – we’ve created The Re-Acquaint Letter as part of this Referral Re-Ignition System that’s pre-written for you!

You can always swap out what you’re offering them with one of your own resources. The important part is that you’re reaching out to your audience and giving them something of value.

Keeping the Embers Hot

Now that you’ve gotten back in touch, you’ll want to avoid that uncomfortable situation where no one reaches out again. Consistency and timeliness are going to be your best friends – the same as keeping a fire burning steadily. Clearly, we may have challenges with this if we have lost touch with “our people” in the first place. 

So, your secret weapon here – and for metaphor’s sake: your own personal fire tender – is going to be the Service For Life!® Personal Marketing System

Implementing this particular tool into your touch-system ensures that you never lose contact with anyone in your Power List again, plus it encourages constant engagement from those you send it to, further bonding your relationships and generating that repeat and referral business I promised you earlier.

3 responses to “Reacquainting with Past Clients, Friends & Family”

  1. Abbe Chane Avatar
    Abbe Chane

    This article is very interesting and informative.. I appreciate the past client letter and I intend to use it.

    1. Alex Camelio Avatar

      Thank you so much for the kind words Abbe and I hope you get a bunch of deals from this letter!

  2. Sharon Truitt Avatar

    thank you for reminding me of the importance of staying in touch and also the Reaquaint Letter! I will definitely use this!

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