Real Estate Video

In Just 5 Easy Steps You’ll Discover How To Create Video That People Will Actually Want To Watch!

In today’s multi-media world there is a huge opportunity for REALTORS® to generate more customers and close more sales by leveraging video … and it’s Easier than Ever Before … in fact, I’ll share with you 5 Easy Steps for making your videos more engaging.

Imagine having customers calling you READY to take action, already convinced that they want to work with you … rather than you having to waste precious time and effort trying to beg and convince them!

That’s the power of video – it helps to position you as the Celebrity Authority in your niche – the trusted advisor that stands out from the competition.

Now, before you say video is too hard, too expensive and just too scary let me say … YES … yes it was years and years ago, but not anymore. In fact, if you have a smartphone, tablet or webcam you can produce, edit and upload video to the web for the world to see in minutes … BUT … you need to master these 5 basic steps first!

So let’s get started …


Step #1

If you are going to do a video that is longer than a minute, I would highly recommend that you set your mobile device for either Airplane Mode or Do Not Disturb.

The reason is this … you’ve rehearsed your lines, hit record, have a groove going and then all of a sudden a TWEET, Facebook comment, email or some other notification flashes across your screen. Your concentration is lost and now you have to start all over again.

Do Not Disturb will stop any notifications whereas Airplane Mode disables your internet connection. So if you are doing a video that requires streaming (e.g. Facebook LIVE) then choose Do Not Disturb.

Step #2

Hold your phone HORIZONTALLY vs. vertically.

Your smartphone doubles as a high definition video camera and to capture the full landscape of your screen you need to hold it horizontally. Those ugly black vertical bars that you see on some videos is NOT a technique. It is someone that hasn’t read this article…  yet. 🙂

Step #3

Hold your phone at eye level and look into the lens … not your reflection on the screen.

If you look down at the lens this creates a condescending feeling for the person watching your video. Whereas if you hold your phone at eye level it makes them feel equal, like you are having a conversation.

Looking down at the lens also accentuates all of our unpleasantries like double chins, nasal hair, ear hairs and a host of other things that will keep the viewer up at night. In short … hold you phone at eye level.

It is said that the eyes are the windows to your soul. This is also true with video so look into the lens as if you were looking into someone’s eyes.

Step #4

Now that you are looking into the lens, pretend that you are speaking with a dear friend, having a conversation vs. dropping your voice three tones and trying to sound like a TV anchor man.

A conversational style is more inviting, more engaging and makes the person watching your video feel like they know you.

Step #5

This is the icing on the cake … SMILE!

We are programmed to respond to a smile – it’s a psychological queue that without words says … “welcome, you are a friend, not an enemy and I have nothing to fear.”

Our sub-conscious brain is constantly on the lookout for things that are going to hurt us and avoid them.

Sharp pointy teeth means RUN, I’m about to be eaten…  vs. a big smile that says relax this person is OK.

The powerful thing about video when done correctly, is that it gives the viewer the opportunity to experience you, it creates what I call the Trifecta of Know, Like and Trust.

Get Ready for More Business with Video

By incorporating these 5 easy steps your videos will be more engaging and yes, people will feel like they know, like and trust you even before you’ve ever meet.

This means that when they do make the conscious decision to call you, you no longer have to go into Sales-Speak and try to convince them why they should be working with you.

They have already decided – you just need to show up and like a good friend, listen and offer to help.

12 responses to “In Just 5 Easy Steps You’ll Discover How To Create Video That People Will Actually Want To Watch!”

  1. Terri Welch Avatar

    Good information, thank you

    1. Michael Krisa Avatar
      Michael Krisa

      You are most welcome Terri!

    1. Michael Krisa Avatar
      Michael Krisa

      Thank you Donna!

  2. Jenny Kotulak Avatar
    Jenny Kotulak

    Great tips as usual Michael. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Michael Krisa Avatar
      Michael Krisa

      Thanks Jenny so nice of you to say. Hope all is well by you!

  3. Linda Avatar

    I have been licensed for a while but just became active in wanting to do Real Estate. Your video is so encouraging and I want to say Thank you. People like you make Agents smile.?

    1. Michael Krisa Avatar
      Michael Krisa

      Hey Linda how nice of you to say and thank you because you made me smile also 🙂

      All Good Wishes,

  4. Vicky Wong Avatar
    Vicky Wong

    It’s helpful tips hank you

  5. Linda Copeland Avatar
    Linda Copeland

    Great article with informative material that everyone can use to jump start their business. Linda, Realtor

  6. Anneliese Graf Avatar
    Anneliese Graf

    Fabulous info, I am a beginner with videos for marketing and really appreciate any help

    1. Michael Krisa Avatar
      Michael Krisa

      Hey Anneliese thank you for the kind words and so glad you found the video useful!

      Feel free to offer any suggestions or future topics.

      All Good Wishes,

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