9 Ways to Boost the Value of Your Client Appreciation Events

9 Ways to Boost the Value of Your Next Client Appreciation Event

The Importance of Client Appreciation

Have you ever made a purchase from a company and then received a note thanking you for your business? If so, I’ll bet it caught you by surprise and impressed you, especially if it was truly sincere and not tied to a gimmick or upsell. Just like you, your customers and past clients enjoy the gift of appreciation.

Now’s the time of year to delight your customers, clients and referral sources with an invitation to a client appreciation event. Such events make prospecting fun and profitable. Savvy agents know they can create a connection through an enjoyable event. Then you can reap the rewards of referrals and customer loyalty by scheduling face-to-face connections.

To boost the value and uniqueness of such an event, consider these ideas: (after the video)

  1. Build your guest list to include your Top 50 past and current clients, referral sources and strategic partners.
  2. Plan the event to occur before the holidays to get a better turnout by avoiding the competition for dates during the busy holiday season. Other great seasonal party ideas include a picnic/BBQ, a wine tasting or an old-fashioned ice cream social.
  3. Co-sponsor the event with your lender partner for the purpose of introductions and to offer options for a “no-obligation annual mortgage fitness review” to interested prospects.
  4. Support a local charity. Consider asking for food pantry contributions or items to support veterans, seniors or local animal shelters.
  5. Sponsor fun activities like a photo booth or local live bands. If it’s a kid-friendly event, make it fun with balloons, games and prizes.
  6. Set up a drawing (get names, emails and mobile numbers) for a fun grand prize drawing. If legal in your area, offer raffle tickets with the benefits going to a local charity, and have a representative for that charity at the event.
  7. Seize the opportunity to take pictures to post on your Facebook business page or Instagram account, or in your annual calendar/newsletter.
  8. Follow up after the event with handwritten thank you or “sorry we missed you” notes. Use the opportunity to anchor the client appreciation event with a save-the-date for your next event and include a link to the pictures and videos of the most recent event.
  9. Take videos to post on both your YouTube account and Facebook page. Be sure to include the date and location of the event.

We All Love to be Appreciated

Everyone loves to be appreciated! Having fun while you prospect and reconnect at an event makes for great repeat business and endless referrals. The currency of the future is your database. And activities like this will help make sure your database is accurate and up-to-date. Few things are more powerful than staying in touch and recognizing and thanking those you’ve had the privilege of serving.

What do YOU do to make your client appreciation events special? We’d love to hear about them- just leave a comment below.

7 responses to “9 Ways to Boost the Value of Your Next Client Appreciation Event”

  1. Cathy Mcgrail Avatar

    Some great ideas here. Thanks for sharing Terri

    1. Terri Murphy Avatar

      You are most welcome!

  2. Maya Fox Avatar
    Maya Fox

    Hello Michael!

    Great ideas, thank you for sharing!


  3. Jeffrey Avatar

    Think this is a Great Idea and will mention it to my Broker.

  4. Carol Avatar

    This not only works for clients but for other organizations as well. Success is in the details…don’t forget to PLAN. Sounds like a way to build your income for 2019!

  5. Voula Chronis Avatar

    Wonderful ideas. I have done a client appreciation party before and my clients loved it. I just need to be more consistent and do it every year, not in once in a while.

    1. Michael Krisa Avatar
      Michael Krisa

      Voula that’s the secret – consistency
      Thanks for the comment.

      All Good Wishes,

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