The 6 skills of a legendary leader

Do You Have The Attributes To Be A Legendary Leader?

The 6 Skills of Legendary Leaders…

The debate continues.  Are strong leaders born or made? My belief is that, while some talents are inherent, impressive leadership abilities are most often displayed by those who have learned the skills and values needed to excel in today’s arena. I’m convinced that these qualities are teachable and learnable, and that the six attributes discussed below have been consciously adopted by those who are inarguably recognized as legendary leaders.


Vision – 

The Bible tells us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish!” It is incumbent upon leaders to establish and advance a solid vision for the future and to make each team member feel a part of it.  Leaders are highly aware of the track records and capabilities of their team members and can, with reasonable predictability, project into the future the attainment required to make visions become reality. 

Credibility –

High performing leaders know that what is right is more important than who is right. They objectively require accountability throughout the organization, including in their own areas of responsibility. These gifted individuals have a reputation for honesty with all parties and are known for dealing in truths. These traits not only impress the team members but make them eager to buy-in to the leader’s vision and respond with inspired actions of their own. 

Competence –

The quality of being competent is best described as possessing the skill and ability to achieve the goals and objectives set forth. Most leaders achieved the position they currently hold largely by displaying abilities that impressed upon others their likelihood of getting the job done and they have exhibited an enviable track record of outstanding achievement. They are eager learners themselves and require that their people be as well. These leaders also give those they lead all of the support and positive example needed to excel. 


We all know that we cannot demand that others trust us. Trust must be earned! This can only be done when we demonstrate impeccable integrity and genuine concern for others who share our mission. Trustworthy leaders are known for keeping promises and following through with pledges and plans. We have all learned that people who display manipulation and conniving precepts are not to be trusted. The polar opposites of these people are the leaders who earn trust on a daily basis by actually “walking their talk”. 

Humility – 

Humble leaders reject egotism and largely focus on others rather than on themselves. They can be confident without being arrogant. Great leaders give the credit to team members for significant achievements and take the blame for non-performance. Humility trumps egomaniacal behavior every time. Zig Ziglar used to say,”Egomania is a very strange disease – it makes everybody sick except the one who has it!”  

Innovation –

Legendary leaders work hard at being at the forefront of their industry. They do their homework, investigate new opportunities, and are willing to take reasonable risks. They know that to be a market leader, innovation and creativity must be part of the formula. They track trends with diligence, make decisions wisely, and always work to be on the leading edge in their chosen spaces. 

These six attributes in a leader offer a high probability of organizational success. High achievers who share these strengths are constantly fine-tuning and tweaking everything required for reaching their goals quicker and growing their team members’ capabilities more proficiently.  

As they improve processes and inspire their team, the inevitable result is evidenced by multiple successful outcomes as well as an even more impressive image and reputation for innovation!With each new challenge, legendary leaders rely on the attributes they have accumulated to progress into the unknown with sound strategies, a noble vision, and concern for their team members. What a pleasure it is to be led by such a person!

Want to learn more about these attributes? This video will help!

Click here to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-9BAjdSqwU

Want to get in touch with Don Hutson?

For more information, go to www.DonHutson.com or call 901.767.0000

8 responses to “Do You Have The Attributes To Be A Legendary Leader?”

  1. Jacquelynn Joan Tanner Avatar

    Poignant reminders …. could also add …. Transparent & Supportive of Others !

    1. Michael Krisa Avatar
      Michael Krisa

      Hey Jacquelynn good points to add indeed!

      All good wishes,

      1. Gordon J. Hillock Avatar
        Gordon J. Hillock

        Spot on Michael! I would only add: Make the process FUN too!

        1. Michael Krisa Avatar
          Michael Krisa

          Absolutely Gordon – it has to be FUN!


  2. Hattie Booker Avatar
    Hattie Booker

    Great article. So refreshing. Right on about the heart of a leaderd that cares about those he is leading. We need more of these in the workforce today.

    1. Michael Krisa Avatar
      Michael Krisa

      So glad you enjoyed it Hattie – please feel free to share it.

      All Good Wishes,

  3. Ronnie Caron Avatar
    Ronnie Caron

    No truer words were said. This has been my golden rule for 46 years.

    1. Michael Krisa Avatar
      Michael Krisa

      Amen to that Ronnie!

      All Good Wishes,

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