Small Gestures Make Big Impressions

Here at Agent Inner Circle® we talk about relationships a lot. That’s because they’re at the core of every single successful real estate practice that we’ve ever come across. Being memorable and having a bond with someone makes it much more likely that they will actually do business with you when the time comes for them to buy or sell.

So if it’s that simple, why aren’t more agents experiencing this success? 

I’ll tell you why, it’s because relationships aren’t simple. Relationships require some hard work, and a little thing called reciprocity in order to actually produce the benefits people are seeking from them – personally and professionally. 

All About That Bond

So, what do you think it is that ultimately bonds people with one another? Leading experts in the psychology of relationships tell us that most human bonds are founded on the basis of trust, commitment and vulnerability. But how do you build those things with someone?

Over the years our blog has covered so many ways to keep people engaged in deep, meaningful interactions with you. Honestly, they’re all useful activities to be exploring for your business, but this week I want to focus on one simple driving element in relationships. Something that you can use to enhance your connections with those in your sphere of influence. 

The Power of the Small Gesture

Small gestures have a direct impact on the way relationships progress. These are the things you do or say to communicate your intentions towards someone, especially good intentions. I think we’ve all experienced a small gesture from someone that has made our day, week, or even year.

Let’s just pause right here for a moment, and think about the people in our lives that we’re closest with. Recall a moment where one of these people made you feel special. Was the emotion brought on by something elaborate? Not likely. I’d venture to guess it was something simple, like a phone call just to say hello.

So how do you take it a step further and apply the power of a gesture to your real estate business and life?

It’s Not Just the Thought That Counts

Make an effort to truly care about people. I’m sure most of us feel like we do this everyday – and this is why I love REALTORS® so much to begin with, because your whole business is built around helping people – but when I say truly care about people, what I mean is for you to really get to know them, find your commonalities, and bond with them as you would with family.

Making gestures towards your sphere of influence can help propel the relationship process forward immensely, and I’ve included a few examples below to help you understand what I mean: 

Check In

Just letting someone know you’re thinking of them can go a long way, but it has to be personal to be memorable. Call, text, or send a handwritten card – whatever suits your personal style best, just make sure you tailor it to the individual and handle it yourself (nix the automated communications here).

Send Video Messages

Seeing someone’s face as they speak makes it so much easier to make an intimate connection with them. Instead of sending automated birthday, anniversary, and milestone emails, record yourself expressing the sentiment as you would face to face. The impact is ten fold more. 

Share When There’s Personalized Meaning

Whether it’s a gift that is specific to that person, or information you’ve come across that made you think of them, sharing things you know will have a personalized importance is a fantastic way to connect with people and let them know you’re thinking of them.

Make it a Regular Thing

Gestures are a sort of secret weapon you can use to market yourself in the most authentic way possible, but they can only take you so far. As I said, I just wanted to focus on one simple aspect of relationships today, not the whole concept. You’ll want to use these small acts to enhance and reinforce other consistent follow up you’re already doing. 

As I’ve mentioned so often, if you’re working close personal relationships, you’ll want your marketing to reflect that as well. You don’t want to alienate your most valued contacts by sending them things that are inconsistent with the relationship they have with you. I mean, would you send your sister-in-law a real estate market update? If you are actually doing that now, let’s talk on the side…. 😂

Service For Life! is a different kind of tool for agents who want to focus on building and bonding relationships, and creating clients for life… and it’s something your sister-in-law, uncles, grandparents… and close personal contacts will all love to get from you. There’s really nothing else in the industry that markets directly to the relationship like this.

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