Our friend and contributor Anthony Mann- an expert in all things social media- has these tips about how to make Facebook© Ads work for you…
Lost in My Thoughts:
This past week, I was sitting at my desk, and it hit me that I had not written any “brand new” Facebook ads in quite a bit of time. It was not that I have not been running Facebook ads, because anyone who knows me personally or professionally, knows I am always running new ads, testing, retesting, and playing with new ways to make ads more successful.
My thought was that I physically had not taken the time, to go from start to finish on the ad copy that I used to write all the time, sometimes successfully and sometimes completely bombing it!
But then it hit me…
There was a major reason why I had stopped writing so much copy for new ads. Simply; I found out what worked!
I found the best possible combinations of wording to use on my ads, my email follow ups, and even on my landing pages and I no longer had to really change much besides the town, county, or price in most of the ads I was posting.
You’re probably wondering why I am even telling you this story, but I felt it was important to actually get this point across. When you find something that works, stick with it. Don’t reinvent the wheel.
Direct Response:
I can guarantee you’ve seen this term multiple times, but have you ever thought about what it really means?
Direct Response marketing or advertising is the skill or craft to be able to elicit an emotion, an action, a “response” to what exactly you are reading, hearing, or seeing.
Major brands across the country use this every single day in their marketing. As an example, let’s talk briefly about the Colin Kaepernick campaign Nike® ran just this past year.
I’m using this as a specific example, because this was a MASTERCLASS on how to use Direct Response advertising to get your brand noticed.
Let’s dive into what they did, how they did it, and why it mattered (from a marketing perspective, not a political one.)
How Nike Used Direct Response
Nike went to Colin’s agents and obviously asked if he would do this campaign for them. Since he was not currently employed by the NFL, he had some extra time to do this campaign! There was no reason for him not to.
But what happened for Nike? AMAZING things happened for Nike. Not only did the campaign do exactly what it was supposed to, drive awareness and sales to their brand, but it put them BACK in the news.
You see, Nike as a company is not struggling financially, they will always sell shoes, but as a “brand” they have not been in the spotlight for quite some time. This propelled Nike onto every single media outlet, good or bad press is still good for a brand. The best part, was all the additional exposure was FREE!!!!
They were able to use someone who has been in the spotlight through the nation for his stances on multiple political policies, and effectively use him to benefit their own brand, create a massive buzz, and most importantly create emotion from their marketing.
How This Applies to Social Media Advertising:
Using direct response marketing in Real Estate is nothing new. In fact, if you look at any of the major coaches and trainers in the industry, they sell and give away tons and tons of “done-for-you” advertisements.
Do you think it’s coincidence these almost always have the exact same wording on them? Of course not! They know what works, and they know that if you use it, you will be more successful for it.
But on Social, everything is different. You need to adapt to your audience, to make small changes to stand out, because there is so much happening so fast.
Here is a quick tip, to take your ads to the next level. USE EMOJIS! Here is an example of an ad we are currently running for one of our clients, which has a 4.8% CTR, and an 80% Conversion rate on the landing page (If that doesn’t mean anything to you, that outperforms the industry by about 400%).
Just a quick FYI (For Your Information), a CTR is a Click Through Rate. This is the rate at which people (per hundred) click on your ad and land on your landing page. So for instance, for every 100 people that see the ads I post, 4.8 of them actually click on the link and see what the “offer” is. Of that, 80 out of every 100 actually provide details (Name, email and/or phone) to get what I am offering.
I know you have seen the text in this ad numerous times, but look how I try to get a reaction from people who see it. In my world, we call emojis “Thumb Stoppers”. They make you pause for a quick second and take a look at what’s being said. This gives us just a slight advantage over much of the competition, but honestly, any advantage is one we can capitalize on!
What are you doing to use Direct Marketing in your business?
Many of the most successful marketers in the world will tell you that direct response advertising is what has helped them get to the level of business they want. So how are you going to use direct response advertising and marketing in your business in order to get the results you want?
I’ll start by offering you a simple challenge…
I recently developed a 100% FREE 7-Day Facebook™ Ads challenge that will walk you through the entire process of getting all your accounts set up and your follow up in place. This course will teach you personally how to start running extremely successful ads.
As a special bonus, only available to AgentInnerCircle.com readers, I am going to throw in some extras too. In the course I offer to walk you through just a single ad and the copy, but with the end of the year approaching I want to give even more… it is the Holiday Season!
So if you sign up within the next 48 hours, I’ll personally send you a link to two more of my top converting ads. The best part is they will load directly into your ad account on Facebook without you having to do any work. (Except change a few small items to make it about your town/county).
To sign up for the free course, and receive the ads, Click Here
You may need to scroll down and click “Register” – your email won’t log you in until you sign up.
Also, I have a group on Facebook that is entirely dedicated to Facebook Advertising called The Art of Real Estate Advertising and I would love nothing more then to see you there, provide you value, and watch you be more successful on Facebook. Join us and become a Facebook Ads guru!
And please comment on this article below, if you’ve found this helpful- or if you have questions. We love hearing from you.
DON’T MISS Our LIVE Facebook stream tomorrow with Anthony Mann– Thursday, Dec. 13th 1-2 PM ET
YOU will be able ask him questions and interact with us. Click this Link to go to the page on Facebook, and click “Get Reminder” to make sure you don’t miss it. The video will be posted for you to watch after it’s over, too.
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