10 Ways Top Agents Get Quality Listings

Through extensive research and testing with our Agent Inner Circle® network of over 80,000 agents in the U.S. and Canada, I’ve found the 10 best ways that can consistently produce listings.

Any one of these can help you grow your production – use 2 or 3 of them together to really ramp up your listing inventory.

Below you’ll find all 10 strategies organized around the 3 “STEPS” or ways to grow your business (learn more about this 3-steps business building formula here).


Simply click on the link below and it will take you to that strategy…


STEP 1: Get listings from people you don’t know yet

1. Listings from FSBOs

2. Listings from Expireds

3. Listings from Strategic Farm Areas

4. Listings from Facebook


STEP 2: Get listings from current listings/buyers

5. Listings from Just listed/Just Sold notices

6. Listings from being a Facebook neighborhood specialist


STEP 3: Get listings from your past clients, friends, other people’s contacts

7. Listings from keeping in touch with Facebook Friends

8. Listings from Strategic Alliances

9. Listings from the Re-connecting with friends/past clients

10. Listings from your Monthly Contact


Get listings from people you don’t know yet


1. Listings from FSBOs


Don’t you wish every FSBO understood the value your services bring to the transaction? If you’re tired of cold calling FSBOs to “convince” them to list with you…here’s how a veteran broker in Illinois gets FSBO prospects to beg her for representation. This proven process is a winner if you take it and use it in your practice.


The FSBO First Date™ System Makes Even The Most

Skeptical Homeowners Beg You To List Their House


Action Steps

• Get preview appointments (“dates”) by calling FSBOs

• Go on your FSBO dates (preview appointments)

• Leave behind extra home-marketing tools that demonstrate your expertise


Would you like a ready to use phone script for FSBOs? Click here…


2. Listings from Expireds


You know expired listings are motivated, but they’re also skeptical of agents because they just had one fail to sell their home. Here’s a simple way to show how your services stand head and shoulders above every other agent trying to cold call them.


The Expireds Survey™ System Makes You The First

Choice For Motivated Sellers To Re-List Their Home


Action Steps

• Identify the expired listings you want to target

• Visit their house to give them a quick survey of questions you ask in-person

• Follow-up weekly with each Expired you met when giving the survey


Would you like a ready to use survey to use with Expireds? Click here…


3. Listings from Strategic Farm Areas


Most agents destroy their chances of success when farming – before they even begin – because they select the WRONG TARGET MARKET. The first “secret” to farming successfully is to select the right market. You never want to “mass farm” because you simply don’t have the time and money to get any market penetration that way. You want carefully selected “target farm” areas of about 300 to 750 homes (each market), and a plan to dominate the area with continuous, value-oriented contact.


The Strategic Farming™ System Helps You Dominate

High-Potential Areas Without Wasting Money


Action Steps

• Go on your MLS to research homes and areas that are selling

• Compare 2 or 3 different areas to find out which is the highest-potential target market

• Send out a series of 3 letters, spaced 1 week apart, offering a “Maximum Value Home Audit” (which is more than just the value of a home)


Would you like this template and letters to send? Click here…

4. Listings from Facebook


The following are the “best of the best” practices that few agents know and even fewer use. You’ll now be armed with exactly what to do to make money using Facebook without wasting any time. This is how you build relationships on Facebook with friends and fans, so they happily refer their friends to you (and also think of you when they’re ready to list their home for sale or are ready to buy!).


The Facebook Marketing Secrets™ System Shows You

The Most Profitable Way To Use Social Media


Master Checklist To Get Business From Facebook


  • Post “status updates” on evenings and especially on weekends.
  • Schedule posts to go out to leverage your time.


  • Don’t overuse updates or people will stop paying attention to you.
  • 1 post each day on your personal profile and another 1 post each day on your business page.
  • Consistency – posting every day is better than 5 posts on a single day.


  • What you post on your Personal Profile vs. your Business Page – depends on type of content (see below)…

Personal Profile

  • What to post? – This is a broadcast message to every one of your friends: Post life events, inspirational quotes, funny stories, referral programming, and occasional offers for helpful information or free introductory services.

Business Page

  • What to post? – This is a broadcast message to every one of your fans: Post real estate updates, stories of how you’ve helped others, client recognition, and a link to your monthly newsletter.


  • What to say? – This is a conversation with the person who sent an update: Thank them, ask another question, or add something valuable to start a discussion. Use comments to bond people to you and identify people who are experiencing life events that may require help with real estate. If needed, contact the person through a private Facebook message.


  • Include or not? – Always include, if you can find something relevant to your update. This gets attention of people scanning the newsfeed.


  • What type of offers work best? – free list of homes, free home value analysis, and free real estate reports.
  • When and how to use? – Once a week on personal page, and several times a week on Business Page

Response mechanism

  • Personal Profile – Ask a question (so people comment), Share a quote or funny story (so people click “like”), or Make an offer for free info/service (click link to go my business page: include your URL)
  • Business page – Free Report or Service (click Like then Call me at 555-555-5555)

What not to do

  • Don’t send people to your website (unless you have a proven offer and a reliable way to capture the lead there)
  • Don’t just post listing info all the time (turns people off)


Would you like ready to use status update messages for Facebook? Click here…


STEP #2:

Get listings from current listings/buyers.


5. Listings from Just listed/Just Sold notices


If you’re sending out Just Listed or Just Sold notices without results, you need to switch your strategy over to using Direct Response. Using Direct Response provides your prospects with a specific OFFER to respond and will bring you a lot more business.


The Direct Response Just Listed/Just Sold™ Systems
Will Have People Begging For You To Sell Their Home


Action Steps

• Post your Just Listed/Just Sold notice on Facebook using a different type of status update message to friends or fans

• Send out Just Listed/Just Sold letters to neighbors of your listings to get even more business from that area

• Send out Just Listed/Just Sold postcards to the same subdivision or area of your listing


Would you like ready to use JUST LISTED & JUST SOLD status update messages for Facebook, postcards, and letters? Click here…


6. Listings from being a Facebook neighborhood specialist


Here’s an incredibly effective way to use Facebook to make yourself THE real estate expert people want to work with in a local area? This system is about how to use Facebook “pages” in a different (and more effective) way than every other agent in your geographic area.


The Facebook Neighborhood Specialist™ System Positions
YOU As The Premier Area Expert


Action Steps

• Create A “Community” Page On Facebook

• Setup of Background Info of Your “Community” Page

• Start Adding Posts To Your “Community” Page

• Announce Your “Community” Page To Friends/Fans


Would you like ready to use status update messages and ideas for posts for your Facebook community page? Click here…

STEP #3:

Get listings from your past clients, friends, other people’s contacts.


7. Listings from keeping in touch with Facebook Friends


It’s obvious being connected to someone online is not a real relationship. You have to provide ongoing value to build an authentic relationship, whether it’s in person or in cyberspace. Many agents think they can “stay in touch” with past clients, friends, and family by simply being on Facebook. If you haven’t found out already, being a friend of someone on Facebook doesn’t mean you will get someone’s business or referrals. Use this system to stand out, get remembered, and referred… instead of ignored by your social connections.


The Facebook Friends Referral Programming™ System Keeps You
Top-Of-Mind For Referrals Without Being A Pest


Action Steps

• Comment in a real and natural way to stay in touch for referrals

• Post “status updates” to your personal profile each day that are helpful and not always about real estate

• Post “status updates” to your Business Page each day that are helpful and identify people who may be thinking of selling their home (or buying a home) soon


Would you like ready to use status update messages your friends will appreciate? Click here…


8. Listings from Strategic Alliances


This can create explosive growth and income within weeks. It’s so powerful, I’ve had agents tell me they got thousands of dollars in new business in the process. Don’t toss this system aside because you think it may be too difficult, or you “don’t know anyone.” We both know that’s not true.


The Strategic Alliance™ System Is Probably The Fastest, Most
Effective Way To Build An Explosive Network Within Weeks!


Action Steps

• List out potential business owners who can introduce you to their clients and customers

• Send out a letter to have strategic alliance partners promote your services to their contacts

• Then you can send out a letter to promote your strategic alliance partner to your network


Would you like ready to use letter to send to potential Strategic Alliance partners? Click here…


9. Listings from Re-connecting with friends/past clients


Many agents I work with have a lot of old clients they simply forgot. That’s why I recommend sending out a “re-acquaint” letter to get back in touch with people you know. This has worked for a lot of agents and can bring you a quick listing or set yourself up for more business than if you had lost touch completely.


The Re-Acquaint Letter™ System Brings Back Old Clients And
Friends, And Gets Immediate New Business In The Process


Action Steps

• Identify the friends and past clients you’ve lost touch with and get their mailing address

• Send a letter with a special coupon offering a discount on your services


Would you like ready to use letter to re-connect with your friends and past clients? Click here…


10. Listings from your Monthly Contact


There’s no doubt about it, you won’t maximize your referrals unless you have regular, value-driven contact with your network. But sending a typical “real estate newsletter” is not going to do it. Not long ago, I discovered the remarkable formula for a newsletter that gets delivered, opened and read, and acted upon. You will make an enormous amount of money over time using this type of system. How do I know? Because this direct response newsletter has helped thousands of agents for the last 15 years and counting.


The Monthly Direct Response Newsletter™ System Is The Easiest
Way To Maximize Your Referral, Word Of Mouth, And Repeat Business


Action Steps

• Use a different type of monthly mailing (mail, email, and social media) to get more listings from referrals, word of mouth, and repeat business

• Go to www.ServiceForLife.com and learn how to send this out in 30-minutes a month


Would you like a ready to use tool you can send every month to get more listings from referrals? Click here…

If you’d like to learn other ways to grow your real estate business click here.

[Ed note: If you’re looking for ready-to-use marketing tools to get more listings and buyers, check out the 3-STEPS ULTIMATE™ Real Estate Success System. To learn more click here.]

How To Build The Ultimate
Real Estate Business & Lifestyle
Discover the fastest, easiest, most enjoyable and profitable way to get a non-stop flow of new clients, referrals and repeat business.Learn More 

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