How To Multiply Your Commissions On Each Listing

For most agents, sending a “Just Listed” notice seems like a waste of time and money.  That’s because they’re completely void of the essential elements that cause people to read and RESPOND to your contact.

One thing I love about using a “Just Listed/Just Sold” system in your practice is, at the very least, it demonstrates that you’re a busy agent.  And we all know, people want to deal with experienced, active agents.

Today I want to share with you a quick and easy way to use “Just Listeds” (and “Just Solds”) to “leverage” the commissions you make from every listing.

Remember, there are THREE reasons to take a listing:  1) To sell the home and make a commission (you already knew that, right?  Just checking…), 2) To use the listing as a “buyer magnet” to generate quality buyer leads, and 3) To leverage the listing into additional listings.

Here’s an example that does ALL THREE at one time.  But you have to use the right elements to make it work correctly…

Here are 6 key elements you want to include:

  1. Decide what you want your reader to do as a result of reading your notice, and WHY they should do it.  In most cases, you want them to call you.  And they will if you give them a self-interested, irresistible reason for calling you or your hotline.
  2. You must use a benefit-rich, attention-getting headline!
  3. Tell a story to capture interest
  4. Transition from your story into your OFFER for something important to the reader
  5. Tell why you’re making your offer;
  6. Give motivating reasons, urgency, to respond NOW.

Here’s a quick example you can use to guide you to creating better “Just Listed” post cards (or any type of mailing).  Don’t forget, you can use the same elements and “psychology” for letters, oversized cards, flyers and even email notices too.

Watch how the following example makes a specific OFFER – giving prospects a self-serving reason to actually pick up the phone and call you.  As I’ve mentioned before, if you give no offer, you’ll get no response – and you’ve wasted your money.

EXAMPLE:  A Direct Response “Just Listed” Post Card…


click to enlarge image

Notice the 6 key elements in this example?…

This postcard gets results because it, 1) grabs your prospect’s attention…in this case the neighbors of the listing, 2) offers a compelling story that draws the reader in, 3) transitions into an offer important to the reader, 4) makes the offer irresistible…the free report, 5) gives clear reasons why you’re making the offer, and 6) creates urgency to call you.

How many of these Just Listed notices do you think you could send out over the course of your listing, and make enormous returns on your marketing dollars?  A lot, I’m sure!

Plus, here’s a special tip:  Couldn’t you send a “series” of post cards, letters, or emails to neighbors in the area…each one following up on the previous one?  They can even continue the story as well.  Then you can watch you marketing returns multiply!

[Ed note: This article is a small excerpt from the “Fast-Track to Success” Turn-Key Real Estate Business Building System. To learn more about this system click here.]

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