“Don’t allow yourself to struggle or be paralyzed into failure! Now there is a better way to grow your production even in a tough market. Listen to my brief message, then read my letter below…”

When Top Agents Face
A Recession, This
Is What They Do
How are some agents setting sales records during the worst
housing slump in market history? A remarkable discovery
reveals there’s only ONE thing these agents are doing
differently from You…
Dear Agent Inner Circle® Member,
850,000 properties have been repossessed in the U.S. alone…
More than 2.6 million American Jobs have been lost…
I hardly have to tell you how tough times are for many agents. After all, you’re on the front lines living it each day.
But there is hope…a proven, reliable way for you to not only survive this crazy market, but prosper like never before… and you won’t even care what happens to the economy.
I know that sounds like hype, and there’s no shortage of it going around these days. But before you roll your eyes or quickly dismiss what I’m saying, here’s what I’m going to share with you…
- Feeling out of control, lost or unsure what to do next? I’ll give you a tangible, step-by-step real world action plan for success in ANY market condition (I just got off the phone with one of my students who’s GCI is actually UP 21% – in the WORST real estate market in near history!).
Struggling to find quality, motivated clients? I’ll hand you the best marketing secrets from the most successful agents in the country for easily (and inexpensively) attracting streams of clients…these 91 strategies work great in tough economic times…
Need a proven idea that could bring an immediate surge of cash? I’ll show you how you can easily get qualified leads and clients (regardless if you are a new agent, 30-year veteran, have no listings, or have no money right now)…
Don’t know where to market right now to get the best clients? You’ll soon understand the best places to spend your hard-earned marketing dollars today (many are free!) and why targeting just ONE group can bring you steady and consistent business next year and every year after…
“Essential for a successful business…”
“There are not enough superlatives to tell you how good, how excellent, and how superior this was. You’ve been unbelievably generous. There was an enormous amount of materials with incredible substance, and your speakers were 5-star. It’s as though I finished an entire MBA and am now ready to build a real business. The information and materials contain depth, reflect substance, and will be essential for conducting a successful and profitable real estate business in the 21st century.”
– Lea Watson
(REALTOR®, Seattle, WA)

- Don’t know where to start? Not to worry…I’ll walk you through the entire process, step-by-step, from start to finish. Showing you a time-tested proven business-building formula that is the backbone of every successful business I’ve ever seen.
Today, I’m extending a private invitation for you to soar above the flock of agents flapping their arms screaming, “the sky is falling,” and to turn your “sales practice” into a REAL business…one that makes you consistent, predictable profits for as long as you practice real estate.
In today’s sobering economy that extra something is needed to save you from the downward slope toward failure.
A Fail-Proof “Roadmap to Success”
The real estate market changed so fast over the past year it left both new and veteran agents short-circuited asking…
Many have lost their dreams of a bright and stable future almost overnight. Maybe you have too.
It’s difficult to feel optimistic when we have opposing market forces working against each other right now, and with the market drastically out of equilibrium.
Cautious buyers, unreasonable sellers, and marketing and “carrying” expenses from home inventory are slowly bleeding agent’s profits.
And who’s caught in the middle of this mess?
The agents who survive and flourish these times will be those who do something radically different from everyone around them–ones who have the direction to build a business based on time-tested methods and proven marketing strategies.
You need a specific PLAN OF ACTION… But not just “ANY” plan.
A safe, proven and reliable business-building formula with the potential to quickly build your production (and commissions) month after month…and do so for the rest of your life.
That’s where the “Fast-Track to Success” Turn-Key Real Estate Business Building System comes in.
I put this system together in response to requests for a comprehensive program that gives you specific steps and a simple framework the most successful agents (and businesspeople) use to create extraordinary success and wealth. But it’s more than just a powerful system for building a consistent real estate business…
It’s a full-fledged Survival Guide to help you seize control during the current recession and even after for years to come.
Let me explain why acquiring these skills is essential to your survival in real estate…
The Secret is Marketing, BUT
NOT just “Any” Marketing. . .
Let’s face the facts. A year from now nearly 40% of today’s agents will be gone: Depressed, hopeless, broke.
The secret to surviving (let alone building a stable income) in real estate is about one thing: marketing. It’s not about “back-breaking selling.” It’s not about “professionalism.” And it’s not even about knowing how to “weather the storm.”
No matter how much you work and sacrifice. No matter how many designations you have. No matter how good your service or what kind of “snooty professional” you are…if you don’t have a series of proven, reliable marketing systems bringing quality, motivated clients to you with machine-like consistency, you’re never going to get beyond the “eternal struggle” in this business.
You see…acquiring business-building and marketing skills is your urgent mission (unless you want to get another job). These skills are your security for a successful future.
But how do you acquire these skills?
Putting It All Together For You…
It was called, “The Best REALTOR® Business-Building Conference EVER” by attending agents.
A few years back a small, deadly-serious group of 185 agents were permitted to attend our sold-out marketing SuperConference…where (in 3 intense, jam-packed days) I took them by the hand and revealed a complete, step-by-step road map to real estate success.
They learned the most prized and coveted (and never-before-seen) marketing techniques and systems – laid out on a silver platter and ready to “plug” into action. These materials are restricted to the hands of ONLY those who attended.
Most agents will never get a glimpse of these Million-Dollar Marketing Systems or this landmark business-building event. I will NOT conduct another seminar like it again. But I did capture the entire conference on DVD, plus everything you need to put these systems into action (outlines, ready-to-use guides, proprietary manuals, bonuses, and more)…and now it’s available to the first 25 agents per state who raise their hand.
- Learn how to apply a 34-year, time-tested business-building formula…a proven blueprint to TAME today’s real estate market and transform your frustrating “sales” practice into a consistent, reliable stream of clients and profits…
- Get 91 ready-to-use marketing systems you can easily “plug-in” to your practice to quickly generate a steady stream of commissions for years and years…
- Legally steal the most guarded marketing and business-building secrets of the most successful agents in the country and hear from the most brilliant marketing minds in the world…
- This event will never happen again…Now’s your one and only chance to learn a set of business and marketing skills you’ll use for the rest of your life.
I’ll take you by the hand and reveal the most powerful marketing secrets and systems for real estate success – regardless of your area, your experience, or housing bust or boom. You get it all on DVD…plus the complete workbooks containing full presentation slides and all the “secret weapon” marketing strategies you need…
This conference literally changed the lives of agents who’ve attended in the past and they have graciously given me their unsolicited endorsements about their experience…
Here Are a Few of the Past Attendees Reactions:
“Great! Great! Great! In 24 years in real estate, I’ve attended over 75 seminars and conventions, and this is by far the ‘meatiest,’ most valuable meeting I’ve ever seen. Just one system increased my production over $100,000 in one year. Incredible! I’m only sorry I’m not 10 years younger to reap more of the rewards, because this was really sensational.” –Paul Bourguignon (REALTOR®, Raleigh, NC)“Awesome. I’m afraid I’ll have more business than I can manage.” – Joyce Wills (REALTOR®, Burlington, IA)
“REALLY GREAT. I learned more from Craig Forte in three days than I learned from every other trainer I’ve listened to in 6 years.” – Steve Caldwell (REALTOR®, Princeville, IL)
Obviously the DVD’s of the conference presentations are just a tiny piece of the entire “Fast-Track to Success” Turn-Key Real Estate Business Building System – but it would have cost you $1,697.00 to see any of this at the conference (don’t worry…I’ve got great news on how you can get all this very affordably).
This Is Your Last Chance
To Get This Essential Resource
As I said, this is the LAST boot camp of this kind I’ll ever do—and I want to make it available to you, a valued Agent Inner Circle® member before anyone else, because I value our relationship and want to see you succeed like never before.
I call it the “Fast-Track to Success“ Turn-Key Real Estate Business Building System because it takes all the guesswork out of how to quickly and effectively grow your business.
And if you follow the easy steps outlined in the program, there’s nothing stopping you from building an immensely profitable real estate business…
with the economy.
This “Conference-In-Your-Home” package is different than anything you’ve ever seen in real estate.
I’m Craig Forte, and whether or not you know me, I’ve quietly taught more than 22,000 agents how to create breakthrough profits in real estate.
“The best seminar we have ever attended.”

“It was the best seminar that we have ever attended. It was unique and the most future-thinking approach to marketing. There is nothing like it out there. Craig, your easy, down to earth manner has made it very easy to learn. It was the most action packed 3 days. Thank you for the tools for success.”
– Bob and Lois LaChat, (REALTORS®, Orange, CA)
Here’s why this program is different…
First, I’m not some guy who preaches what he’s never done. I’ve built 4 multi-million dollar companies in the last 34 years…including a successful real estate development and brokerage company.
I started my first company when I was 18 and financed my first college degree. I’ve done crisis turnarounds, $300,000,000.00 acquisitions, and wildly successful new start-ups.
I was building strong, multi-million dollar companies when most of the self-proclaimed “guru’s” and publicity-starved “hot-shots” were playing little league.
Please understand, I’m not trying to brag. I just want you to know you’re not going to see some “seminar jock” give you a report on recycled marketing ideas.
Second, I’ve spent over 300 hours, whittling down the very best marketing systems so I can give you ONLY the most productive systems…step-by-step and ready to plug in to your practice. I’m holding nothing back from my 34 years of “in the trenches” marketing and business-building experience because I want you to succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
Third, (and the best part) is that I know this program works…because it has worked for thousands of REALTORS®, from beginners to grizzled veterans, from small towns and big cities alike…and even has worked to build thriving businesses in bad economies.
And don’t worry that you’ll be in over your head. I’ve set up these materials to be easy to follow. Using this system is in many ways better than the live event because you can review and rewind – you’ll get a deeper, more thorough understanding this way.
Just decide today to join us on this fun, fast-paced, business-building mission and I’ll give you everything you need to build a thriving business with reliable streams of income during these tough times and well into the future.
Only 25 smart, motivated agents per state will be allowed to take advantage of this powerful opportunity to seize control of their businesses (and lives). The question you need to ask yourself is…
Will YOU Build a Business that Lasts?
. . . Or Will You Struggle Like Others?
My guess is that you didn’t get in real estate to quit. You got in real estate to make a better life for yourself and your family.
Life in real estate can be a conveyor belt…of problems, frustrations, occasional high’s and devastating lows. And today there are more worries than ever. But it doesn’t have to be this way…
Have you ever wanted to build a real estate business that didn’t just survive but a business that creates a consistent income for you…and continues to grow, almost automatically?
See, you shouldn’t have to worry every month, wondering if that next deal is coming so you can pay your bills. You shouldn’t have to compromise your marriage or the precious short time you have to spend with your children. Or the valuable time you want for yourself. Life is too short.
Your Business Should
Be Life-Giving!
And it can happen when you learn how to make your business work for you…instead of being a slave to your business.
LISTEN…everything I’m talking about here is achievable. It’s do-able. It can be done in lots of businesses and in any economy.
“So much material to use and put into practice NOW!”
“I’ve always felt I’ve been blessed. This weekend I felt like I went to a higher plateau of being more blessed to be in this group of people, but mostly because of the things you’ve given us. I did $17 million last year, I know I’m going to double that next year and work less. I’m going to work smarter, and a lot less than putting in the 80 hours I’ve been doing. This conference was so much better than anything I ever expected. There is so much of actual material and things to use and put into practice NOW. This was the first ever, totally satisfying seminar I have ever attended. Thank you. I am walking away with so many new ideas that I know will blow away all of my competition.”
– Linda Fogarty, REALTOR®, Tinley Park, IL
The Secret is Having
the Right Marketing Strategies
and step-by-step ROADMAP to Success
So let me show you how the “Fast-Track to Success” Turn-Key Real Estate Business Building System will load you up with those proven strategies…and a fail-proof roadmap…to pull it all together and recapture the dream you once had for your business…for your life.
Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get…
RESOURCE #1: Learn how to apply a 75-year, time-tested business-building “road map” to transform your “sales practice” into a consistent, reliable stream of profits…
If you accept this invitation, I’ll rush you the complete Fast-Track to Success package including the comprehensive six-volume DVD library of live recorded presentations. These are from three days of breakthrough sessions at our recent 3-Steps to $6-Figures™ SuperConference. Over 11 hours of material available for you to watch in the comfort of your own home… any time you want.
These sessions will show you exactly how and why this business-building formula can produce any size business you want. I’ll spend 4 earth-shattering sessions together as I walk you through a 75-year, time-tested business-building formula, and a step-by-step plan of action for building your business.
Session 1 will give you an overview, so you can understand the “big picture” before I delve further. Here’s a sample of the ground-breaking strategies we’ll cover…
More Comments from Past Attendees…
“The most informative and user friendly materials I’ve received in my 22 years of real estate. I’ve been to Mike Ferry’s Superstar retreat, Sweathogs, Brian Buffini…you name it, I’ve been there. But I got more out of this program than all of them put together.”
(Jerry Sato, REALTOR®, San Jose, CA)
“Your conference was the most solid and practical marketing system that I have ever seen in the real estate industry!”
(Mark Cathers, REALTOR®, Canal Winchester, OH)
“After leaving the last conference we have quadrupled our business – and it’s also consistent. Thank you, thank you.”
(Tom & Jami Browne, REALTORS®, Las Vegas, NV)
“This was probably the best conference I have ever attended, and I’m a Floyd Wickman ‘Sweathog’ alumni.”
(Jo Teeter, REALTOR®, Ankeny, IA)
- The $100 Million Success Secret to Build Your Business and Achieve Your Goals (minute 13:25)
- The 4-Fundamental Life-Cycle Stages—And How They Determine If Your Efforts Are Successful (minute 16:34)
- The One Axiom You Should Tattoo on Your Forehead – it’s that important to your success (20:48)
- 2 Greatest Reasons Why People Won’t Work With You – and how to overcome them (minute 23:15)
- Where the Money Is In Real Estate—It’s Not What You Think (minute 25:10)
- How to Focus On The Best Clients and Multiply Your Efforts Using the “Golden Pyramid of Success” (minute 35:32)
- The One and Only Way To Get Consistent Predictable Results (minute 41:50)
You’ll also get a ready-to-use “40-Minute Marketing Plan,” a tool so powerful, one agent told me it was worth over $42,000 in extra GCI within 6 months after the conference. This is just one of the FOUR free bonuses I’ll explain more in a little bit…
Session 2 will show you the most important step to building a lasting business…how to maximize the FREQUENCY of transaction to create a consistent, and ever-growing income in real estate via referrals, word-of-mouth and repeat business. Here’s what you’ll learn:
- How to use the “Essential Business Conversion Cycle” to turn clients into advocates (minute 18:45)
- How to create a “Referral Cycle” – and how it can turn one client into 2 and 3 more clients (minute 19:38)
- How To Know Your “Personal Critical Mass Number” – where virtually all of your business is coming from referrals, word-of-mouth, and repeat business (minute 25:24)
- How to easily find out how big your network needs to be to support your income goals (minute 26:09)
- How to tap into the ultimate leverage in your business to create a 500+ personal sales force (minute 27:50)
- 5 traits of great networkers and how to get these traits to triple your network in the next 60 days (minute 37:45)
- How to get PAID to build your network (minute 40:30)
- The single greatest way to differentiate yourself from all other agents – so people think of you first when they think of real estate (minute 40:59)
- 5 Golden Rules of Referral Success – master these for a business that is fun, successful, and profitable (minute 41:23)
- How to ask for referrals without feeling like you’re asking for business (minute 45:50)
- How to use the “Magic Referral Formula” to instantly create all the referrals you can handle (minute 46:40)
…And More Comments!
“Excellent. I feel like I just won a million dollars. I am so blessed to have had the presence of mind to attend this seminar. WOW. Didn’t I pick the right seminar!”
(Donna Bobo, REALTOR®, Memphis, TN)
“I have been in real estate 15 years and have done over 60 conferences. This has been a GOLD MINE of money-making ideas.”
(Mal Duane, REALTOR®, Framingham, MA)
“WHAT AN AMAZING BARGAIN! Never have I had the opportunity to obtain so much useful information in such a short period of time. You certainly ‘walk your talk’ and delivered on all your promises. Sign me up for the next session.”
(Lee Mason, REALTOR®, Federal Way, WA)
“I threw your first several conference invitations away in my garbage. WHAT A MISTAKE! Your last invitation thankfully changed my mind. Leaving this conference, I have the greatest enthusiasm and confidence for my future business than I’ve ever had before!”
(Brent Davies, REALTOR®, Riverton, Utah)
It doesn’t stop there…
Session 3 will show you how to get 1 to 4 NEW CLIENTS for every listing and transaction you complete – and double (or triple) your current business by hardly lifting a finger. It’s pure genius! Here’s what you’ll learn:
- 11 proven ways to “Leverage” off your existing business to get two or three more transactions from every client – most without spending any additional money (minute 1:15:45)
- Why the primary purpose of marketing a listing is NOT to sell a home – and how you can use this “secret” to multiply your income overnight (minute 1:24:04)
- The step-by-step approach to use the “perfect home” to attract as many buyer inquiries as you can handle – and a working example (minute 1:32:08)
- How to use your fixed expenses from listings to promote your business and get you more clients (minute 1:44:55)
- How to differentiate your listings and multiply your response rates from every other home on the market by using this ONE overlooked technique (minute 1:48:39)
- How to quickly get buyer leads EVEN IF YOU DON’T HAVE A LISTING (minute 1:54:48)
Session 4 will show you how to generate new clients from the cold, harsh market using direct response and other innovative marketing methods. If you can write a grocery list, you can learn how to write (or use) direct response ads. Here’s what you’ll learn:
- How draw people in and motivate them to all you without facing a nickle’s worth of rejection (minute 27:18)
- The four reasons why people don’t respond to your advertising (minute 27:26)
- How to harness Dr. Robert Cialdini’s “6 Universal Principles of Influence” to motivate people to want to do business with you (minute 31:08)
- The 10 elements of direct response – learn and use these and you can name your income in real estate (or any business) (minute 31:58)
- How to leverage the profit potential with everything you do by using the “Rule of Multiplicity” (minute 1:01:46)
- How to find the best marketing ideas for free (minute 1:02:41)
- How to use the “Triple Hoop Method” to generate leads and maximize the value of every lead (minute 1:03:57)
- Why 70% of your farming success is selecting the right farm area – and the specific steps to select the most profitable farm area every time (minute 1:14:35)
I’m also going to hand you on a silver-platter the “cream of the crop” real estate marketing systems used by top agents around the country and walk you through them step-by-step so you can use them immediately. There’ll be no confusion, no wondering “what to do next.“
The systems are printed in the proprietary manuals you’ll receive with the program… and are designed to perfectly address each of the 3 ways you’ll be using to grow your business:

“This conference was perhaps the most significant event in my already successful real estate career. Thank you for your careful preparation and delivery of all the materials.”
– Bob Liston, (REALTOR®, Amarillo, TX)
- 41 Ready-to-use systems to maximize the number of referrals, word of mouth, and repeat business deals you generate in your business…including…
- A “Re-acquaint” Letter that allows you to get easy and tactfully back in touch with past clients (page 23)
- How to create a “VIP Client Closing Package” that begins a life-long relationship with clients (page 32)
- Not one, but TWO after-sale survey letters – use these to gain valuable feedback and generate referrals (page 44)
- The amazing “proof of success postcard system” and how it can consistently bring $10 for every $1 you spend (page 59)
- An “article reprint system” for contacting your network with value every month – gives you business without breaking your bank (page 64)
- 14 Ready-to-use systems to leverage off your existing business to double or triple your current business…including…
- How to easily quadruple the volume of buyer calls on your listings with the “Buyer Magnet Listing Sign System” (page 3)
- How to use the “Premier Properties Flyer System” to attract buyers like ants to a picnic – make an extra $20,000 to $60,000 a year with this ONE system alone (page 7)
- The secret “Just Listed” Strategy that guarantees response – and FIVE ready-to-use examples (page 21)
- The secret “Just Sold” System that guarantees response – and FOUR ready-to-use examples…like nothing you’ve ever seen before (page 21)
- 35 Ready-to-use systems to generate new clients from effective lead generation and other proven and measurable techniques…including…
- How to create a voice message script for promoting your homes for sale (page 5)
- 4 proven classified ads that generate calls – just one of these generated 52 leads in ONE WEEKEND (page 7)
- A “Multiple Hotline System” using classified ads that’s been getting 40 calls per week, and closing 10% — works even if you don’t have your own listings (page 12)
- How to write and use “Classified Advertorials” that to create a steady stream of buyer or seller prospects – six different examples (page 15)
- How to properly use “Multi-Sequence” with direct mail – this ONE strategy will pay for your course at least 30 times over within the first 3 MONTHS! – with examples (page 29)
- Three proven farming letters for Expired Listings to use as a sequential mailing (page 36)
- How a rookie agent turned $3,760 into $250,000 using a farming and contact system – and how any agent can use this same system to build their business (page 41)
- How to finally use Post Cards to make you money – with 9 ready-to-use templates (page 57)
- An easy FSBO system that brings 3 listings a month (page 71)
- A “tight budget” strategy an agent used to sell 55 homes his first year in real estate – you can use this with no money and even no listings (page 73)
- How to use the “Paid Consumer Column” strategy to build credibility and get a constant flow of leads (page 77)
Will These Systems Really
Work for You?
These systems don’t require “experience.” One agent is now a $20 million producer and she was only in business for 2 years before using these systems.
They don’t require large amounts of “money.” Many of them are free or leverage off marketing you are already doing. One flat broke agent used just one simple “contact” system you’ll learn and now closes between 7 and 10 deals a month – all within 9 MONTHS of using the system.
They don’t require “talent.” Just enough brains to know what system would work best in your practice, and I’ll help you identify that.
They’ll work regardless of the “economy.” The only marketing systems included are ones that work and have produced time-tested results out in the real world. One agent used a single system you’ll learn about to virtually “recession-proof” her business.
Any one of these market systems could be your “secret weapon” to destroying the brutal market forces holding you back.
Start working with a handful of these 91 ready-to-use marketing systems in your practice and…and I’d be shocked if you don’t increase your production 40 to 80% this next year regardless of your market area – but then watch as it grows every year hereafter, automatically, year after year.
You’ll never find all these resources from other books, trainers, coaches, or gurus. Other agents won’t have access to use these valuable tools to use in their practice…this is an exclusive offer just to Agent Inner Circle® members – but the number of agents allowed to use this program is limited (see details below…)
Hang-On…there’s more…
Few people on planet Earth are smarter marketers than the line-up of special guests. Watch as they share their money-making knowledge with you. Here’s the line-up…
- DAN WHEELER knows “How To Create The Perfect Selling Environment.” He’s called “The Billion-Dollar Man” because he’s been a host of QVC for the past 10+ years (you’ll recognize him from TV). Dan’s going to teach you the very same techniques he uses in front of millions of TV viewers to sell over 1 Billion dollars in merchandise. If you’ve ever wondered why you didn’t close that listing presentation or why that buyer decided not to work with you – Dan has the answer. Dan’s going to blow your mind with his simple but powerful selling techniques.
- JEFF SMITH is one of the nation’s foremost authorities on creating STRESS-FREE SUCCESS. His 2X+1 coaching programs has literally changed the lives of professionals in real estate, law, chiropractic, dentistry, contracting and remodeling, insurance and more. Jeff will be revealing the key strategies for literally doubling your production while taking at least one extra day off per week.
- JOHN CARLTON is the go-to copywriter for many major publishers all over the country. It would cost you at least $25,000 plus a percentage of sales to hire him to write a promotion. John will teach you how to create a “head turning” hook to draw people in to reading your marketing and multiply your income in the process. Follow along with John as he walks you through step-by-step on how to create winning promotions.
Read that above statement again. Sound too good to be true? Listen…I actually stumbled upon this incredible marketing tool that’s adding enormous profits to a tiny group of “hand-selected” REALTORS®. Remember, this is ONE SINGLE MARKETING TOOL that can produce these results.
After 34 years of writing successful marketing copy, I literally “stumbled” onto a unique combination of marketing techniques that’s creating “hyper-response” using this simple little tool.
And I’m going to reveal this tool, and have an open discussion with agents using it…giving you every single fact and facet…every little technique you can use for yourself and start seeing enormous, predictable profits in your business.
This ONE single tool should easily be worth over $100,000 a year in extra referrals, word of mouth, and repeat business to you.
I’ll give you all the details when you accept this invitation. This is something you DO NOT want to miss.
Remember, only 25 agents per state will be allowed to accept this offer. And this is going out to our entire online community, which at last count was 86,052 members. So unless you think getting “hyper-growth” in your business and finally getting control of your life would just be a darned nuisance…it’s very important for you to focus on this opportunity RIGHT NOW…
I’ve saved, quite possibly, the best resource for last…you’ll hear from our SUPERSTAR PANEL OF REALTORS® with a cumulative annual production over $100 million. SEVEN of the most successful REALTORS® will literally “spill the beans” on their very best, top-secret marketing strategies they use to build their business. Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn…
- CATHY MCGRAIL (REALTOR®), one of the smartest marketers in the mid-west, will share with you her listing package she uses to close over 90% of her listing presentations.
- TOM BROWNE (REALTOR®) share the lead follow-up system he uses—instead of an expensive or sophisticated software system—to be a $32 million producer.
- MICHAEL BREAUX (REALTOR®) is one of the most knowledgeable, “marketing saavy” REALTORS® in the country. Michael will share with you his “TOP 3” marketing systems that have contributed to his $1 million ++ per MONTH production.
Hear them describe their BEST marketing strategies in their own words…AND, get their EXACT strategies all on CD to use in your practice.
Other agents will wonder how you became such a brilliant marketer…but this will be “our little secret.”
I’m Not Done Yet…
I want this to be the most complete, most comprehensive and most powerful real estate business-building program you’ve ever seen…
That’s why I am including the following FREE BONUSES that round out the powerful set of resources you will have ready to build a successful business.
FREE BONUS #1: Your Own Personal Target Activity Planner™
(valued at $29.95)
This easy-to-use guide helps you determine your Critical Rate of Sales in your business—the number of sales you need to reach your desired level of income. It’s a valuable resource for knowing your business success numbers and targeting your earning potential. It also helps to identify where to begin planning the strategies you’ll use to reach your income target.
FREE BONUS #2: Your 40-Minute Marketing Plan Workbook™
(valued at $97)
Do you know which activities to focus on to maximize every marketing campaign you take on?
This simple, ready-to-use guide can help you focus your activities like a laser to maximize your real estate success.
This is the tool I described earlier…a tool so powerful, one agent told me it was worth over $42,000 in extra production within 6 months after the conference. I’m certain you’ll continue using this as a helpful, time-saving resource for years to come. Here’s just a sample of the areas it will help you address:
- Find The Most Profitable Markets
- Discover Your Most Promotable Competitive Advantage
- Create a Powerful Marketing Message
- Convert Your Message Into A Powerful Client Generating System
FREE BONUS #3: Your personal Monthly Marketing Action Plan™
(valued at $97)
Ever wonder if your marketing efforts are profitable?
This monthly guide will not only give you clarity and direction when planning your marketing activities for the entire year. It also helps you track the marketing systems you use in your practice and can quickly show you what’s producing results. The best part is it works directly with the formula you’ll learn in this program.
(valued at $197 – actually priceless!)
You read that right…I’m going to give you the first three bonuses on CD (in .pdf format) for you to print whenever you want…for years to come.
FREE BONUS #4: The “BEST of the BEST Collection” of Top Marketing Ideas
(valued at $499.95)
Learn the very best Marketing Systems used in the “Real World” by your peers. These are the BEST strategies and “secret” marketing techniques submitted by SuperConference attendees.
These marketing ideas are winners. I know because I “bribed” attendees $200 for each these gems. These strategies produced business for agents. Many of them come with success stories, like, “Hey I ran this ad and I got 26 calls.” Or, “I made $20,000 on this idea…” You get over 210 pages of top-secret, in-the-trenches techniques and strategies.
These bonuses could easily be sold on our product list, and at $900.00+ they’d be a steal.
But you won’t pay that because they’re FREE as part of this limited offer to our Agent Inner Circle® community.
Only a few will get this…
Over 86,000 Agent Inner Circle® subscribers are getting this email. I don’t want this gold mine of secret marketing strategies out there for everyone – and I bet you don’t either.
I only want agents serious about implementing this proven formula and strategies and committed to building a REAL business. I don’t want to flood the market. So again, this offer is available to an average of 25 agents per state.
The “Fast-Track to Success” Business Building System is a proven process. It’s been specifically developed to help you in all aspects of building and growing your business.
The only piece left to complete the equation is: YOU.
Your determination to take positive action…to not give up. Your commitment to succeed.
If you deliver that…this package will ensure your success in the coming years and beyond…regardless of the threats you face from changing technology and a changing industry.
What’s that worth?
Joining a select group of agents on the Fast-Track to Success will be one of the most important, career-shaping events in your life. What you will learn are advanced strategies from the best agents in the country…and yet the material will be presented to you in an easy-to-understand format and in the comfort of your home to review as many times as you want…to help you build a business with LASTING EQUITY.
Think about what you’d pay elsewhere to get this level of value:
If you went to a live seminar it would cost you at least $1,000 to $2,000 to get in and another $1,000+ in airfare, lodging and food.
If you hired one of those celebrity hot-shot “real estate coaches” you could easily spend $10,000 to $25,000 a year for LESS hard-core, specific strategies you’ll get right here.
And it would cost you $40,000 to $80,000 for an MBA or other business degree to help you achieve success in your business…and you’d only get theory not real world proven strategies.
Joining the Fast-Track to Success will give you a roadmap for success needed in these uncertain times – a blueprint you’ll use for years to come.
Practice for Less Than Your
Cell Phone Bill!
This is a ground-floor opportunity for Agent Inner Circle® members only. This system will be available on a first come, first served basis.
The casual survey’s I’ve taken post-conference reveal the average agent who implements these systems increases their gross production over $200,000 per month – that’s just the “average.” Many do a lot better.
Agents who attended our conference paid up to $1,697 – and were thrilled with the investment. But I’m not going to ask you for $1,697…or $1,297…or even $997…
Look…I know there’s a recession. I want to help all I can, so if you’re a little tight on funds I’m offering the most affordable “payment plan” EVER…
Use your credit card and you can pay $97 now (plus $35 S&H on your first payment) and $97 a month conveniently billed to your credit card for 5 months. That’s just 6 easy payments of just $97 charged to your credit card.
OR…make just ONE payment of $495, plus S&H (a 15% savings OFF our regular price).
Think about it: You can get a lifetime of marketing secrets, strategies and 91 ready-to-use marketing systems AND a road map to success, all organized and presented on a silver platter on DVD by “yours truly” (that have made other agents hundreds of thousands of dollars)…for ABOUT 1/10th OF JUST ONE COMMISSION!
And think about what you’d be able to do every year if these resources were always at your disposal…which wasn’t the case for the conference attendees.
On the surface, spending about $495 for this system may sound like a lot of money… But think about this:
You’ve spent a lot more than $495 on advertising that fails to get the response you so desire—and this system gives you all the proven templates for your marketing…just listed cards, just sold cards, classified ads, farming letters, expired and FSBO systems and more.
You pay more than this per year in cell phone bills, credit cards, MLS fees, car payments or even morning coffee – that produced NOTHING for you…
You will NEVER, EVER learn all this from your broker, a book, or even going to a live seminar – this is a completely different, 75-year proven and perfected way of building a business – NOT just another hyped-up “sales” seminar,
Try to learn this on your own and you’ll spend over 25 years, hundreds of thousands of dollars testing, and most likely go broke in the process,
Understand that you could make at least 5 times and as much as 100 times the cost of this system within your first 90 days (you can’t get that kind of return in the stock market!),
You’ll have a marketing and business-building skill you can USE FOR LIFE – allowing you to pave the road to you success.
And to make this offer even more irresistible, I’ll include a most unusual guarantee…
90 Days Unconditional! Get the “Fast-Track to Success” Turn-Key Real Estate Business Building System and tear into it. Watch the DVD’s, go through all the manuals and bonuses, try some of the strategies in your business…and…if you’re not satisfied, for any reason or no reason at all…return it within 90 days and you’ll get an immediate refund of your purchase price. No hard feelings – we stay good friends.
6 Months Conditional – DOUBLE Your Money Back! Get the package, prove to me that you implemented just 10 strategies (out of the hundreds you’ll learn from this package – systems you’ll use anyway if you’re serious), and, if you don’t make at least an extra $15,000 (25 times your investment – almost impossible NOT to do!) in commissions in the next 6 months, I will send you DOUBLE your purchase price. Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to do anything unreasonable or drastic. Just a few simple steps that, as I said earlier, you’d do anyway, if you are serious about building a successful real estate business.
Why am I making such a bold guarantee? Because I’m 110% certain that, if you take just a few hours and commit to learning this breakthrough business-building formula, and implement some of our powerful marketing systems, you’ll NOT ONLY profit immediately…but you’ll PROFIT FOR LIFE!
Remember, you’re the sole judge, jury and executioner. I’m guaranteeing not just your satisfaction…but your RESULTS!
The next time you’re sitting in your weekly office sales meeting, take a look to your left. Then to your right. Look at all the other agents you compete with (and that doesn’t include the swarms of other agents in your town)…
Think about who will NOT be there next year because they didn’t make an investment in their success.
There’s only ONE thing that differentiates YOU from all the other agents out there…only ONE thing that determines if you will survive this industry downturn. And that ONE thing is…
Quality, Motivated CLIENTS To Do Business With YOU and ONLY YOU!
Take the fast track. Stop doing things “the hard way.” Learn what it’s like to own a REAL business rather than a “sales” practice. Get out of the “selling and cold prospecting RUT” and become a respected, sought-after PROFESSIONAL.
Learn how to take most weekends and evenings off. Take control of your business and life – run your business rather than have your business run you. And spend your valuable (and too short) time working with clients and CLOSING DEALS…rather than constantly looking for them.
You cannot afford NOT to implement the “Fast-Track to Success” Turn-Key Real Estate Business Building System.
But it’s your decision…either way, I’ll be helping agents seize control during this time and grow their production, year after year.
Will YOU be one of them?
I am not repeating this event – EVER! You have a rare, one-time opportunity to thrust yourself out of the frustrations most agents face right now and build a real business with lasting results.
I’m certain within hours of sending this notice out I’ll get responses from agents all over the world. And to be totally fair to everyone, the offer is limited both in the number of agents who will be permitted to have this program and the time to respond.
I promise this will be a life-changing decision for you…the best business-building system you can use for your career. All for a fraction of just one single commission. I hope you don’t miss it.
To Order Your Personal Copy of the
“Fast-Track to Success” Turn-Key Real Estate
Business Building System (Now 3 Steps Ultimate)
Warmest wishes for your success,
Craig Forte, President
Forte Communications, Inc.
Publisher of Agent Inner Circle®
P.S. You’ll see on the order form, the Recession-Busting Payment Plan where you can get started for $97 (plus $35 S&H on your first payment), and then 5 easy payments of $97 each month. Or make the one-time investment of $495, plus S&H and pocket a 15% savings.
P.P.S. Remember: Only the first 25 agents per state will be able to use this proven business-building system. You get full rights to use every one of the 91 ready-to-use marketing systems in your practice. If you learned a rock-solid, 100% guaranteed investment where you’d be shown how to take control of your business and turn $495 into a steady stream of $100,000 or more per year…wouldn’t that be the best investment in your business…in your success?
PLUS, I’ll send ALL 4 FREE BONUSES – worth $920.90 alone!
AND, don’t forget that this “Fast-Track to Success” Turn-Key Real Estate Business Building System comes with a “Double Guarantee“. You risk nothing and gain everything.