86-50-1 System: 86 Real Estate Referrals a Year in an Hour a Day

How to Generate 86 New Transactions Every Year

Have you ever had a friend, relative, or past client list their home with another agent? Why didn’t they call you?

Seeing another agent’s sign in your past client’s or friend’s front yard can be bone-crushing!  The truth is, most agents don’t deploy a consistent system of staying front of mind among friends and neighbors. Most sales professionals don’t like to prospect, even though they know that is the one habit that when done consistently, yields measurable, impressive results.

If you want to systemize prospecting, and close more deals- try the 86-50-1 system. This program generates 86 real estate referrals a year working with only 50 people in your database for one hour a day.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Go through your database and identify the top 50 people you believe will give you a referral this year. Once your list is complete, schedule a personal touch once a month for the next 12 months. This isn’t about phoning your top 50 group every month and asking for a real estate referral; instead it’s a way to provide a personal “touch” to each contact monthly.
  2. Each touch must be recorded in your CRM, and after each touch you schedule the next touch for the upcoming month. Scheduling one call per week to your top 50 will get you through your list annually.
  3. Deploy a monthly “touch” system that invites connection—like phone calls, meeting for coffee, a pop-by or sharing invitations to local community events. Schedule exclusive face-to-face events each quarter, such as a wine and cheese tasting or ice cream social, for your top 50 only. Target inviting 12-15 of your top 50 to each of these quarterly events, which will get you through your list by year-end. You want to be sure you’re face-to-face with each member of your elite group at least 2-3 times a year for best results. Be sure to send a handwritten note to your touches, whether it be a “thank you for attending” or “sorry we missed you.”
  4. Once you’ve had several touches with each contact, you’ve earned the right to ask if you can count on them for at least one referral this year. The dialogue is simple: “Can I count on you for one referral for my services this year? I know you have lots of other people you know in real estate, but you can be sure I’m going to wow anyone you refer to me.”
  5. If the year rolls through and you’ve received no real estate referrals from any one contact, replace them with another contact whom you believe would refer one prospect to you annually.

The power of leveraging your relationships with your raving fans pays off when you diligently and consistently schedule connections that get more real estate referrals more easily.

If you want to overcome your prospecting reluctance, you need to read the eBook “86-50-1: The Ultimate Marketing Handbook for Real Estate Agents That Want to Close 86 Deals or More a Year.” The eBook, authored by mega top producer Mike Parker and noted success coach Verl Workman, outlines a strategy that can generate more than one lead from each contact in your elite group of Top 50. This proven strategy works to save money, leverages your brand and reputation, and packs a fun factor.

For a complimentary copy of the eBook please click here: https://bit.ly/2zSyD4k. You can then choose to download the ebook, plus several other helpful resources.

Note from the Agent Inner Circle editors: Almost any coach or successful agent will tell you the same thing- maintaining your relationship with leads and contacts in your database requires a monthly touch! If you want one that isn’t “salesy” and is a welcomed resource in your clients’ homes- watch our short video about how Service For Life! works here: CLICK THIS LINK TO WATCH

2 responses to “How to Generate 86 New Transactions Every Year”

  1. Sandy Viveiros Avatar
    Sandy Viveiros

    Great content and ideas that are so useful! What CRM proves to work best for realtors that won’t break the bank ?

    1. inneragent Avatar

      Hi Sandy! Glad you appreciated the content from Terri- she has some great ideas. As far as CRMs, we don’t have any specific recommendations but I did find a good comparative article for you from this year:

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