These Signs Make Your Phone Ring With Buyers

Everyone is hearing about “short sales” today but most don’t understand all the details involved. Here’s a simple yet effective way to grab people’s attention and maximize your marketing efforts.

With listings, agent Bob Collard puts up the typical for sale yard sign and then puts a separate sign that attracts attention… a sign that says “SHORT SALE” in easy-to-read letters (you can see the picture below). This helps motivate calls on your main sign.

When I followed up with Bob about this idea he said that very day he was helping a cash buyer look for a similar deal who first contacted him by seeing this Short Sale display. He informed the person that the property was sold in less then two weeks since he put out the sign.

He said his signs are eight inches high and twenty-four inches long on white corrugated plastic (they easily fit wire frames that way). And he uses 4″ red letters with all caps.

What if you don’t have a short sale listing? Use this idea with other words that catch attention such as one with owner financing as Bob describes below.

Here’s Bob’s description and the exact sign he uses…

“I am a simple guy and I like to use simple tools. We all know that signs work, but do we take full advantage of them? I started using “SHORT SALE” signs on a separate pole. My phone started to ring again even in this slow market. Some callers just want to know what a Short Sale is.

I had two offers in two weeks and one is on way to closing. Another sign I use is “OWNER FINAN, WITH 5 K DWN” on two lines. Same results on my phone. Offers coming in this very day. I don’t use overworked signs like, “Motivated” or “Reduced” as they are everywhere in my area.”


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