The Success Secret Your Competitors Hope You Never Learn

Did you know that over 2/3 of all real estate clients are obtained because they  1) already knew the agent, OR 2) were referred to the agent from a trusted source?

If you knew that at least 2/3 of your clients came from this once source, don’t you think it would be smart to target these folks with your regular contact marketing? Of course it would.

But only 4% of agents do. So it’s no wonder why 4% capture the lion’s share of the business, while the remaining 96% of agents wrestle each other for their leftovers.

Chris Huskey “gets it,” and in today’s submission he shares with you how he builds his “house list” to generate on-going new business, referrals and repeat business.

Couldn’t you do the very same thing, and join the ranks of the elite agents who generate true “market share” and capture clients before other agents know they exist?

Here’s what Chris said…

“Double your house list overnight. We are members of BNI (Business Network International) I started a local group approx. 2 yrs. ago, and it has grown to 18 members. We meet every Thursday at lunch.

I was speaking to the group and sharing ideas on staying in touch with their past clients, and how we send out a Service for Life!® ( newsletter every month (which all of them get).

I then asked them if they were to have a party at their house and invite their closest family, friends and neighbors, would they introduce them to me? They all said yes. I said, ‘well I’m having a raffle to give away this free database software or the cash equivalency. The catch is you have to bring me a list of at least 20 names for your name to be put in the drawing for the prize.’

I received 165 names, and all it cost me was $200.”

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