The BEST Way To Use Facebook To Get New Leads (part 3 of 3)

In my first article about Facebook I shared how to stay connected with past clients, friends, family, and acquaintances (your Power List™) to generate unlimited referrals and repeat business.

Then in my second article about Facebook I shared how to leverage your Power List™ to sell homes fast.

Today, in my third article, I’ll share the BEST way to get new leads from Facebook for free.


Generate new prospects automatically and grow your Power List™

We both know real estate is a relationship business.  The more relationships you have, and the deeper you can make those relationships, the more money you’re going to make.  So here’s a here’s a quick and effective strategy to generate leads and start new relationships…

To get new leads from Facebook offer a “lead magnet.” 

What’s that?  It’s a specific reason for someone to contact you – valuable information that’s free and easy to get.  Someone has to contact you to request it and identifies themselves as a potential prospect who is thinking of buying or selling real estate soon.

Here’s how it works: Members of the group have a pre-written report called “8 Secrets For Saving Thousands When Buying A Home”.  Promote this report for free by…


Posting a status update on your Business Page to fans:

Thinking of buying a home soon?  I have a free report called: 8 Secrets For Saving Thousands When Buying A Home In [Area] — if you’re not already a fan click “Like” above, then call me at 555-555-5555 to get your copy.


Then, use a status update on your personal profile to friends:

Hey friends in [Area]!  I just finished updating a free report called: 8 Secrets For Saving Thousands When Buying A Home In [Area] — if you’re thinking of buying soon (or know someone who is), go “Like” my Fan Page and I’ll send you a copy.  Here’s the link to my page:


Can you guess what happens when someone does this?

First, you’re generating leads from people you’re already connected with.  So this strategy can get you more “fans” for your Business Page on Facebook.  The first time someone “Likes” your Business Page you get an email notification from Facebook.

Then send them a private message on Facebook with a link to download your report as a PDF.  Or send them a message through Facebook asking for their email address so you’re also building your email list for you monthly “Direct Response” real estate newsletter.

Second, when they “Like” your business page, it shows up on their newsfeed FOR ALL THEIR FRIENDS TO SEE.  Someone they are connected to (a friend of a friend) may be thinking of buying or selling and they can click on a link to be taken right to your Business Page.

Holy cow!  That’s exciting.  That’s free, viral marketing.  It’s reaching people you don’t know yet in a way that’s credible because it’s basically an endorsement of YOU from their friend.  But your friend didn’t have to do anything else but click the “Like” button.  And this can happen for not just one person, but EVERY person who “Likes” your Business Page to get one of your offers.

Now, you don’t want to be doing this all the time on your personal profile with your friends (remember the first strategy about building relationships by offering helpful information but not too much where people tune you out).  Try making offers to get more fans on a weekly basis, and then use your Business Page to get leads to call you!

Keep in mind, you have to write the message in a way that is natural and still gets attention.  Plus, there are other “lead magnets” you can offer like a free home value analysis or a free list of homes that I don’t have time or space to discuss here.  Members of our group have ready-to-use Facebook messages to copy-and-paste and use this strategy in a few minutes each week.


How To Get Started Using These Facebook Marketing Strategies…

There are dozens of ways to use Facebook to reach potential buyers and sellers.  But remember, the BEST ways our network of agents has identified are:

#1: Stay connected with your personal network for repeats and referrals using the right type of status updates that “program” friends and fans to do business with you and only you.

#2: Leverage your network’s reach to sell homes faster by messaging specific people who may know your next client.

#3: Meet new prospects through your network’s connections by having people “Like” your Business Page for free offers.

I hope you use these 3 strategies to maximize your results from Facebook in the coming weeks and months.  


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