The BEST Way To Use Facebook To Sell Homes Fast (part 2 of 3)

I spent 8 months surveying, studying, and questioning our network of top-performing agents I’ve found the top 3 strategies any agent can use to get more real estate clients from Facebook this year and for years to come.

Most real estate professionals have a personal Facebook profile, but few understand how to use Facebook to generate new leads, send updates about your activity to sell homes faster, or program people to send you referrals.

Follow my next few articles about Facebook and I promise you — even if you think you’ve heard it all before — you’ll learn new ways to bond people to you more, refer you more, and how to sell more homes.

Here’s the second strategy about how to use Facebook to sell homes in a fraction of the time as other agents!


Leverage your Power List™ to sell homes fast

In a previous article we talked about how to leverage your relationships to get referrals from your social network.  Now we’ll talk about how you find a buyer for your listing, or the perfect home for a buyer client by tapping into the extended connections of your network.

So, what is your “extended network” of connections on social media?

Think about it this way…

For every 100 people you know, 14 will buy or sell a home each year.  That’s based on the average length of home ownership statistics from the National Association of REALTORS®.

This means, if you have 100 friends on Facebook, they also each know at least 100 other people, so you could potentially reach 1400 people (or more) who will buy or sell real estate in the next 12 months.

Question is, how do you get the attention of these people to sell your listings and find great homes for buyer clients?

We’ll handle these one at a time…


What’s the best way to PROMOTE LISTINGS on Facebook?

You can use a “Just Listed” strategy without overtly selling so more people welcome and value your message.  Instead of blasting everyone an update with a photo of the home, do this:

  • List out who in your personal network lives close to your listing.  Individually, send them a personal message on Facebook letting them know about a listing “in their area.”  Why?  Because many times a person will know a friend or coworker who wants to move into the same area.  It makes sense.
  • Also, think about what type of person the buyer would be, then message people in your network who are similar.  For example, if you have a listing a first time buyer would want…then, send a message to each person you know who is under 35 years of age (fyi, this could also work the other way, if you have a vacation home that friends over 50 may want to buy).  Don’t have friends in the age range you need?  You’ll learn more about how to make new connections in an upcoming article.


What’s the best way to FIND HOMES for buyers?

Besides announcing on your personal profile and fan page that you have a buyer who is a looking for a certain type of home, use a similar approach to what you just learned…

  • Message people in your network who live near where your buyers want to live.  Ask them if they know of anyone wanting to sell and you may even get a listing.
  • You can also have your client message their friends on Facebook.  Do this right and you can get exposure to a lot of other potential buyer and seller clients.


Stay tuned for my upcoming article about the THIRD of the top three strategies to get real estate clients from Facebook.


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  1. […] « The BEST Way To Use Facebook To Sell Homes Fast (part 2 of 3) 5 Ways To Build a Profitable Real Estate Practice This Year […]

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