Part 1: Pre-Listing Package for Realtors

Part 1 of 3: Pre-Listing Package Strategy

The market is changing

Real estate can be a tough business, with a lot of competition from agents who are after the same clients you’re looking for – they’re circling over you like vultures this very instant! So what do you do to stand out from the crowd and impress sellers? We’ve got some tips this week that will set you apart from the horde.

This will be part 1 of another 3-part series about presentations:

1- pre listing,

2-marketing/listing presentation, and

3-follow up.

This week, we’re talking “pre-listing” strategy. Got one you use? Share it with us by submitting an idea in the comments!

What is a pre-listing package?

Besides setting you apart and making your services and methods unique, a pre-listing package introduces you to your prospective client. It should include all the standard documents a client will fill out when listing with you: the listing agreement, property disclosure statement, and a questionnaire about the home’s features. It also gives you a chance to sell yourself, highlight all your great testimonials, and talk about why you’re the agent they should work with.

Why have a pre-listing package?

Yay- you’ve got a meeting with a potential client! Now’s the time to start setting yourself apart from your competition. Every appointment you book should start with a pre-listing package that accomplishes these things:

  1. Makes the actual listing appointment easier
  2. Makes getting the signature easier (this should be enough of a reason all by itself!)
  3. Puts you a length ahead of the competition before you even meet with the client
  4. Builds your credibility faster
  5. Starts the rapport-building
  6. Helps you qualify your client right out of the gate
  7. Sets the stage for a professional and engaging experience with the client
  8. Gives the client something to refer to when they have questions

When do I deliver a pre-listing package?

Like any salesperson, you know you should try to meet with someone who’s interested in your services as soon as possible. The more time that passes, the more likely they are to move on to someone else or change their minds. As soon as you book the appointment, mark your calendar for 1 or 2 days before the appointment for pre-listing package delivery. While you can send it by email, it’s always more impactful to drop it by yourself or deliver it by courier. Is any other realtor you know doing it that way? If not, good- there you go being unique again.

What to include in your package (examples)

  • Your bio
  • Survey about the sellers’ home (or what buyers are looking for)
  • Examples of listing agreement, property disclosure forms
  • Compare your success with industry averages
  • Your real estate company’s stats
  • Update on market area activities (buyer, seller or stable market)
  • Marketing strategies on how you will sell their home- your marketing plan
  • Type of buyer that you see buying the home
  • Idea where you will promote their home to find buyers
  • Discuss pricing strategies
  • Negotiating strategies
  • Service reports
  • Follow-through to the close
  • Sellers net sheet
  • Past/Current Client Testimonials – written, or links to video testimonials if you have them
  • Links to home tour video examples
  • Home Seller Guarantee – Easy Exit Agreement
  • Personalized business cards featuring the property for the seller to hand out
  • Examples of Social Media marketing platforms
  • Customized url of the property to a dedicated web info page

Here’s a great tip from one of our member agents, Michael Breaux- it’s what he uses to set himself apart- and he’s shared it with you:

Next week, we’ll discuss elements of a winning listing presentation.

8 responses to “Part 1 of 3: Pre-Listing Package Strategy”

  1. Sal Avatar

    great idea, very professional approach, will try

    1. inneragent Avatar

      Let us know how it works Sal. I’m betting your clients will be impressed.

  2. Cat Billings Avatar
    Cat Billings

    very good

    1. inneragent Avatar

      Glad it was helpful Cat! Thanks for commenting

  3. carol genua Avatar
    carol genua

    can I print this article?

    1. inneragent Avatar

      Sure, feel free to print Carol. If you present or use the info anywhere, we’d appreciate a shout-out or attribution.

  4. Cam Foster Avatar

    Very good ideas. Stand out from others !!

    1. inneragent Avatar

      Hi Cam! Exactly- the key is to do more than everyone else so there’s no question who the client will choose.

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