Multiply Your Referrals with This…

Whenever one of your clients moves, they must all do one thing: Change their address. What better service than to help them with the chore? And what better way to accumulate a lot of names, and make an offer to those people on their “change of address” list? Kathleen Cope tells us that it works:

“Buyers love to show off their new home and I give them a closing gift that lets them do just that!

I design business and post cards that have a full color picture of their new home on one side of the card with the words “We’ve Moved” and on the back it has their names, address, phone number(s) and email address(es). At the bottom it says “Call our Real Estate Agent-YOUR name, YOUR phone number for great service” Of course the verbiage is totally customizable.” Below is an “Anatomy Of A Change Of Address Post Card” system a number of agents are using with great success. One side of the card can be a photo of the new home. OR, it could simply be a rendering of a home, with a headline, “We’ve Moved”. You can also use your photo editor to place your web site below the photo of the home (CLICK HERE to see last week’s issue for exactly how to do this).


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