Make Money With Social Media

7 Ways to Make Money With Social Media

Do you find yourself spending hours on social media each week and not sure if you are getting a decent ROI (return on investment) for the time it takes?

You might be spending “time” on social media enjoying fun posts, but not actually focusing on making sales. Top-performing agents know what to do, how to do it, and as a result, have seen their sales increase, their brands enhanced and a big boost to their bottom lines.


Successful online marketers tell us that your goal is to contribute and publish content that is relevant, timely and specific to the followers in your communities. You want to have engagement, not just “followers.” Social media gives you an opportunity to become the “celebrity authority” in your marketplace. Here are some top tips to get you started in the right direction:

1.   Enjoy starting conversations

Social media engagement is “social”– like a real conversation, which requires participation. Be conversational and you invite others to express their insights, thoughts and local information about an area or lifestyle where a property is located. If the information is irrelevant to their needs, they will move on, but those that have interest will be engaged. Think “How can I add value with this posting of information for a prospect?” and then be willing to share your content, tips, and resources freely to help your community.

2.  Be you!

Authenticity is the foundation of social networking, and is more successful when you include some personal insights. Consider posting photos of you and other people at local charity or community events you’re participating in, family and vacation photos, along with interesting posts about special properties or interesting people in your community. People want to know who you are, so be real, be open, be honest and most importantly, be you!

3.  Spend time where your target market hangs out

Find the social media verticals your target market likes to hang out. It would be impossible to maintain an active presence on every social network available, so be active on the ones where your customers are! Monitor where your engagement is showing highest visibility and response, then work that priority channel.

4.  Don’t abandon traditional marketing

Think of social media as simply another way to build your brand and to market your message, not as a replacement of other forms of marketing. Continue to integrate your messaging through multiple mediums like direct mail, email, text and video communication. Leverage your social media links through your traditional marketing to promote interaction and participation. This gives your prospect options to respond to you using whatever methods they prefer to connect with you.

5.  Social Media is a Mindset, not Just a Toolset

Social media is simply another tool to encourage connections that engage us with people to create relationships. The ultimate goal in your marketing is to develop differentiation as you brand and position yourself to your specific market. Social media is the vehicle we can use to start conversations and position ourselves to be a resource in our marketplace.

6.  Consistency is Key

Show up…..regularly! Help to engage followers and sustain engagement by regular, interesting and relevant information that is posted consistently. Develop and follow an editorial calendar that serves as your blueprint for the delivery of consistent, relevant and local messaging. Block dates on your calendar for different actions blending both the marketing of events and informational postings.

7.   Monitor, Listen & Respond!

Check and monitor your social media channels every day! Daily review provides that conversation so you can respond daily in and return those responses. Respond to comments with a thank you for the endorsement, or reply to questions that may be asked. Remember, the goal is to have a conversation, so acknowledgement is the start to building real online engagement that will grow your community and build a strong online presence.

Social media is here to stay, so follow these tips to help you maximize the power of engagement!

Would you like to close 86+ deals a year? Want a free handbook on marketing? Click the button below to get the guidebook, “86.50.1: The Ultimate Marketing Handbook for Real Estate Agents Who Want to Close 86 deals (or more) a Year” which features my “Top 50 Touch” initiative.


4 responses to “7 Ways to Make Money With Social Media”

  1. Dawn Arheit Avatar

    Nice to see you Michael. Great guy with great ideas.
    WCR Ohio Agent!!!

    1. Michael Krisa Avatar
      Michael Krisa

      Thank you Dawn – most kind of you to say!

      All Good Wishes,

  2. Dee Grisamore Avatar

    I guess I missed how to target the market I am looking to be involved with. example-Empty Nestor-Luxury seller-buyer etc. Thanks. Dee Grisamore

    1. inneragent Avatar

      Hi Dee! You may want to read one of these articles- they provide more about speaking to the client you’re trying to attract (targeting):

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