
Make a Movie, Close a Deal

By Craig Forte, Founder - Posted on
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Last Updated on April 7, 2017

“With Windows Movie Maker (iMovie on a Mac) you can create a DVD of your city and surrounding area. You can also easily add music to it as well as the average types of homes in the area. At the end of the DVD, you can put your photo and an offer to help the client (usually out of state) find a home. It only costs about a $1 to copy your DVD on to a disc including postage. You might even be able to get your local Chamber of Commerce to include your DVD in the relocation packages they send out. For mass copying, it costs about $1.50 when you buy 500 DVDs which includes the plastic sleeve. Ends up to be a long lasting marketing tool.”

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Craig Forte
Craig Forte has helped more than 32,000 real estate professionals over the last 22 years, helping them generate more clients, more referrals and repeats, and grow their production with less stress, time and effort ā€“ all by using innovative marketing training, systems and tools.
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