Is Cold Calling Dead in 2024? The Honest Truth for New Agents

I’ve made more cold calls in my career than you can imagine—over 20 years of scripts, role plays, and handling belligerent clients. But here’s the kicker: I also hang up on cold callers all the time. I hear the tone, the rhythm, the cadence, and I simply say, “No, I’m not interested.” So, what’s my advice for new agents? Is cold calling dead in 2024? Should it be a pillar of your business?

Here’s the honest truth: cold calling works. If it didn’t, people wouldn’t still do it. Mailers, park bench ads, billboards—all of it works! The question isn’t whether cold calling can generate business; it’s how effective you can be at converting cold calls.

I know a guy—let’s call him James. James is one of the best cold callers in the country. He spends three hours a day calling for top teams in major markets. He doesn’t charge by the hour; he works on a flat referral fee for closed deals. Working just 15 hours a week, James earns over $200,000 a year in referrals alone.

Want to be like James? You probably do. Making that kind of money working 15 hours a week is life-changing! But here’s the thing: it’s taken James almost 20 years to perfect his pitch. His cold calls are surgical—a precise blend of rhythm, cadence, and an effective close. He delivers the perfect call, every time. Are you a James? I’m certainly not. I’m not consistent, deliberate, or intense enough with cold calling. And frankly, there aren’t many Jameses out there. That’s what makes him unique.

So, should you cold call? My answer: Yes.

Let me put it plainly: every method of generating business can be effective. I know a “James” who excels at mailers, another who dominates social media, and another who generates hundreds of leads through client events. Every great real estate agent is a “James” at something. For me, I discovered early on that my strength is coaching, training, and educating. That’s my calling and my highest and best purpose in the industry.

As a new agent, cold calling might be perfect for you—or it might not. Being authentic to yourself is what matters most. If cold calling makes you queasy, that’s okay! You can succeed without ever making a single cold call. The key is finding what you’re great at and leaning into it.

This business is all about people and relationships. If you want to sell more homes, you need to make more contacts. It’s that simple. Think about it: if you only know two people, how likely are you to sell 100 homes in a year? Slim. But if you engage with 2,000 people, your chances skyrocket.

New agents shouldn’t shy away from cold calling. It can be a powerful pillar of your business if you commit to getting good at it. And that’s the real message: mastery in any area leads to business growth. Cold calling isn’t for everyone, but it’s worth an honest try. And by “honest try,” I mean more than just dabbling. Dive in. Practice. Refine. Test scripts and approaches. When I cold call, I don’t use scripts. I just talk to people. I approach each call as an opportunity to share value. Think about the excitement you feel recommending a great book or movie to a friend. That’s the energy you need to bring to your calls. If you’re not genuinely excited about what you’re offering, why are you calling?

There are incredible tools and scripts available, and I encourage you to explore them. At Agent Inner Circle, we have an amazing roster of coaches who can help you find a system that works. Or, search online for a coach whose style resonates with you. The point is to give it a real shot. You might just discover that you’re the next “James,” and this was the push you needed to start your journey to mastery.

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