How Top Agents Double Their GCI

Today I want to introduce you to a way to use the power of a motivating offer that converts leads to loyal clients. It was an idea submitted by Susan Moguel, a top-producing REALTOR® in Southwest Florida.

Susan says she has a full pipeline of buyers, her GCI is well into 6-figures and she became a Top Producer using this method.

I’ve taken Susan’s idea she emailed over to me (to share with you) and enhanced it slightly so it’s easy for you to plug into your marketing systems THIS WEEK.

You’ll notice she…
1) makes a specific OFFER to get leads (“free information package”),
2) captures their contact information,
3) puts them on her database,
4) sends them the package and a monthly newsletter that creates a trusted relationship.

Bottom line:  She motivates, captures and follows-up.

When they’re ready to buy or sell, they call HER because they feel they know and trust her.  Now, here’s Susan’s description outlined as a simple 3-step process…

“As REALTORS®, we all know how difficult it can be to turn an online or phone inquiry into a client.  I created my own SW Florida Relocation Package (for out-of-town buyers) or my Informational Package (for locals).

STEP 1: CREATE A Valuable Information Package

The package includes:

  • area demographics, school information, area attractions and tidbits (like the number of golf courses and miles of beaches),
  • my featured listings,
  • a list of area foreclosure homes,
  • a full size map so they can plot out the homes they like,
  • and an interactive CD-Rom with links to my website, my MLS search and other helpful sites.

Unlike post cards and flyers, this package is something they will not throw away!

Here’s a picture of the information package…

STEP 2: OFFER Your Info-Package To Prospects

I advertise this package in The Real Estate Book and on my website – so I get buyers contacting me directly to get this package.

When a prospect contacts me I always offer this complimentary package.  I explain what it is – and reassure them that there is no obligation whatsoever – it is just a helpful service I provide.  I have never had anyone turn down my offer!

I build instant rapport with them – in a situation that is often very difficult to do.

I send out the package by Priority Mail for about $5.00 – which I found increases my response and keeps the package in better condition upon arrival (using a sturdy USPS Priority Mailer).  But, I originally mailed it out first class and that did well for me too.

STEP 3: ADD Prospects To Your Database and FOLLOW-UP

I add inquiries to my monthly newsletter mailing which allows me to keep in touch with them until they are ready to buy.

I have had a number of clients who I only spoke with for mere seconds, who ended up contacting me months later to represent them in the purchase of a house.

Between my free package and the newsletter, they feel like they know me and they trust me.  All of this because I stepped out of the “sales person” box and offered them something of value.


I have a full pipeline of buyers (yes, even in this market!).  Since starting this program I have doubled my income, my GCI is well into the 6-figures and I became a Top Producer in the area.  And get this…I have only been in the business less than 5 years!”

Wow!  That was Susan in her own words describing how she’s earning a healthy living today using this system.

Do you know what the sad part is?

Only 4% of agents will actually go out and implement a system like this one.

And many more agents will start this system and not follow up with leads after sending the initial package.  In the process they end up leaving thousands of dollars in commissions out there that could’ve been “easy income” if they simply continued to give value to prospects.

Listen to these words from Susan carefully…
“I became a full time real estate agent in 2006. In 2006, my GCI was approximately $48,000.

In 2007, I started using the Relocation Package. That year, my GCI jumped to approx. $107,000. Of this, about $62,000 can be directly attributed to my offering this package and following up with my Service For Life!® newsletter.

In 2008, my GCI went to about $138,000. Again, a large portion of that (approx. $81,500) was a result of this package and the follow-up I was able to do because of it.  And each year since my income continues to remain steady!”

Question:  Do you think implementing a simple strategy like this could easily DOUBLE YOUR INCOME even in a down-cycle?

You can use this same process with listings, offering reports that sellers would find valuable to convert them to clients.

How do you get started?

The first thing is to always follow up with leads and clients using regular and valuable contact.  Next, create an information package about your local area to send to leads.  Then add the steps above to your business process checklists.

Everywhere you promote your services (even if it’s a short classified ad), include an OFFER to contact you for some valuable, free information.  Imagine how many more calls you’ll get and how many more leads will convert to buyers if you use this with EVERY promotion you do.

When you start making motivating OFFERS to the right prospects, your promotions will start to produce tangible results.   And you’ll quickly have more business than you’ll ever need next month and every month you use this system.

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