Horror Story: Cold Blooded Cold Call

“I did my first cold call on a person in our subdivision. Seemed safe enough, and luckily my husband knew where I was going.

I was invited in, seated at his kitchen table along with his pit bull, and a crack pipe in the ashtray. He was on the phone to his sister and informed her that he was listing his home with me because I was ‘pretty’.

Moments later (his sister) called and asked to speak to me and told me that anything he signed would be void because he had just gotten out of the ‘institution’. I tried gracefully to make my exit during the next 1 1/2 hours during which the conversation ranged from the fact that his yard was booby-trapped with bombs, ‘they’ were listening in to his every word through satellite, and if he said a certain word that I would probably escape safely, but he would not. He also spoke highly of Charles Manson and other such ‘heroes’.

Luckily, I was able to leave with no hard feelings and (needless to say) I did not list his home. My family and I also moved out of the area shortly thereafter, following an incident where he set his home on fire and proceeded to use the firemen and policemen for target practice.

I am proud to say that I still hold the record for the most bizarre potential client in my office, and I am still a REALTOR®. I have not gone door to door since this event, nor will I ever attempt to without backup!”

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