
Get Noticed When You Change Companies

By Craig Forte, Founder - Posted on
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Last Updated on April 7, 2017

“Whenever you change companies, send out an announcement to everyone you know. Enclose several of your new business cards. Let your local newspaper(s) know, too, by submitting your own press release. “Follow up with a call, or with a second mailer that includes something you ‘forgot’ to let them know in the previous mailer. (For example, your new website address.) Most months have a holiday, or it’s the start of school, football season, baseball season, tax season. Use these as ‘excuses’ to keep in touch with your contacts. “By keeping in touch, you are really sending the message that you are organized, good at communicating, good at customer service, and that you were thinking of them.” Example #1: “[Company Name] welcomes [Your Name]. “We’re very excited to announce that [your name] has joined our company. With his/her experience and enthusiasm, he/she will add an important element to our team so that we can better serve our customers.” [Your bio information here] Example #2 [Your Name] has joined [Company Name] [Your bio information here] “We’re very excited that [your name] has joined our company. With his/herexperience and enthusiasm, he/she will add an important element to our team so that we can better serve our customers,” [broker’s name], Broker, [Company Name] Hint: Try to get the paper to print your photo, too.

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Craig Forte
Craig Forte has helped more than 32,000 real estate professionals over the last 22 years, helping them generate more clients, more referrals and repeats, and grow their production with less stress, time and effort ā€“ all by using innovative marketing training, systems and tools.
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