How To BUILD Your Power List In Size & Quality with the BIG LIST™

Not your cell phone… or your car… or your office… it’s your database — or what I call your “Power List” of past clients, friends, family, acquaintances, hot leads, etc., who have the ability to bring you new clients, referrals and repeat business. Now that we have that foundation, agents often ask me…

“How Do I Create My Power List Big and Responsive Enough to Generate Clients?”

My answer is… it’s EASY once you put your mind to it.  In fact, I have “wet behind the ears” rookies who… in just 6 to 12 months… following the process you’re going to learn right now… who are making more money than 90% of the agents in their areas – many of them making multi-$6-figures. The very best place to start building your Power List (or quickly adding to an existing one) is by capturing names and contact information of people you already know. That’s why I created The BIG LIST™ strategy. The BIG LIST™ is designed to be a memory helper in adding names to your Power List Tracking System™ database. It’s very easy to use…and very complete. You’re going to be surprised at how many people you already know who can be part of your Power List from day one. Here are 3 tips to help you in the process:

  1. Start with your Highest Quality Contacts FIRST, and work your way down. You want to carefully select who goes into your database based on the “quality” of the contact.  Ask yourself: “Do I have a real relationship with this person?”
  2. Start with names only (at first) if you need to…
  3. Your Follow-up to get additional information (ex: survey letter/email, request for information, etc.) will automatically bring you new business – you’ll be getting paid to grow your Power List.

Your Goal is NOT To Have the Largest Power List… But to Have the Most PROFITABLE List!

This process is very helpful even if you’re an established agent who wants to supercharge your database to start harvesting more new clients, referrals and repeat business. OK, let’s start the BIG LIST™ process… To start, take out a pen and piece of paper. There are 10 categories of contacts I’m going to walk you through. Under each category, I will list out people you should consider. Remember, if you don’t have full contact information right now, just write down the immediate information you have on these people. One more tip: with each person, you can also write down the “Category” of the contact (for example, “C” for client, “S” for supplier, “P” for prospect, “R” for other REALTORS® who can send you referrals). Also, you should write down the “Quality” of the contact (for example, “A” for highest quality contact – someone who’s referred to you in the past which I call your “Power Players”, “B” for past client who could refer in the future, and “C” for your general Power List member).

Category #1: List People Who Have Already Sent You a Referral:

  • Past clients who have sent you a referral…
  • Close friends who have recommended your services to another…
  • Suppliers who have referred to you…

Category #2: List out People You ALREADY Know – Closest Contacts:

  • Current and past clients…
  • All family members…
  • Immediate friends – this includes friends of your family and people you associate with…
  • High school and college associates…
  • Current and former co-workers…
  • Spouses current and former co-workers…
  • Spouses friends and acquaintances.

Category #3: People You Meet or See in Your Practice on a Regular Basis: Each day you meet and see people who could go in your database if you make a habit of remembering to ask them. Make a point to get them on your database.

  • Leads and Prospects you’re currently working with…
  • Leads who have called your hotline or made contact with you…
  • Open house attendees – get names off registration sheets
  • Sign calls
  • Ad inquiries
  • Audiences you’ve spoken to, or made presentations to…

Category #4: People Who Provide PROFESSIONAL Services to Your Practice: These people can be very influential in generating new business because you’re already working with them and/or sending them business. So there’s a natural tendency to reciprocate with you. Remember, you get what you give – actively make referrals, harvest the professional relationship and you’ll see more business coming your way.

  • Mortgage lenders you work with…
  • Appraisers you work with…
  • Escrow and title officers you work with…
  • Attorneys you work with…
  • Accountants you work with…
  • Home inspectors you work with…
  • Architects you work with or know…
  • Pest control services you work with…
  • Home insurance representative…
  • Ad representatives you work with…
  • Graphic artists you work with…
  • Printers you work with…
  • Sign suppliers you work with…
  • Movers you work with…
  • Builders you know or have referred to…
  • Remodelers you’ve referred or worked with…
  • Plumbers you’ve worked with…
  • Roofers you’ve worked with…
  • Electricians you’ve worked with…
  • HVAC or Mechanical companies…
  • Lawn care and maintenance companies…
  • Pool maintenance providers…
  • Landscapers…

Category #5: People Who Provide PERSONAL SERVICES to You:

  • Your Hair Stylist…
  • Florist…
  • Doctor…
  • Chiropractor…
  • Dentist…
  • Pharmacist…
  • Veterinarian…
  • Optometrist…
  • Stock Broker/Investment Advisor…
  • Retirement Account Manager…
  • Insurance Agents (Auto, Life, Casualty, Disability) – here’s where you can trade network lists and build strategic alliances (more on this shortly)…
  • Banker…
  • Auto Mechanic…
  • Home Maintenance: pool, lawn, landscape, roof, HVAC, electrician, etc.)
  • Dry Cleaner…
  • Restaurant Owners you frequent…
  • Mail and Packaging services you frequent…
  • Retail Stores you frequent…
  • Grocery Stores you frequent…

Category #6: People Who Belong to the SAME ORGANIZATIONS as You: Here’s an opportunity to leverage your database very large, very quickly. Remember this: your best strategy is to be considered part of your “Network’s network.” The secret is to gather names of other members in organizations you belong to, and create a common connection with them.

  • Civic Organizations…
  • Your Religious Organization…
  • Clubs You Belong To (gold, tennis, hiking, cycling, gardening, sewing, card, travel, etc.)
  • Children’s Activity Organizations: PTA, Day Care Provider, School Teachers, Intramural Sports, etc.
  • Chamber of Commerce…
  • Better Business Bureau…
  • Fundraising Organizations you belong to…
  • Local Boards: YMCA, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, etc.
  • Fraternal Organizations (Masons, etc.)…
  • Alumni Organizations…
  • REALTOR® Association…
  • Breakfast Clubs…
  • Toastmasters…
  • Networking Clubs in your area…

Category #7: People Who Can Send You Business BEFORE Anyone Else Knows: Think about who some sellers and buyers contact before they list or hire an agent? If you have a relationship with those people, you’ll be first in line for a referral (some are duplicates from earlier).

  • Divorce and Probate attorneys…
  • Accountants…
  • Carpet Cleaners…
  • Painters…
  • Remodelers…
  • Roofers…
  • Electricians…
  • Flooring Contractors…
  • Landscapers and Lawn Care…
  • Pavers…
  • Pool Maintenance…

Category #8: People Who Have the Ability to Send You a Large Volume of Business: Around your community there are people who have the ability to give you a lot of business – they’re in contact with clients you want to work with on a regular basis.

  • New home sales reps – if their leads and visitors don’t buy from the subdivision, perhaps they can be referred to you to buy a home…
  • Custom home builders – someone has to sell their spec homes…
  • Developers…
  • Relocation companies/Corporate relocators…
  • Human resource departments of local companies – they always know who’s moving to town…
  • Bird dogs – someone who refers clients to you and vice versa.

Category #9: Targeted Residents in Your Farming Areas: If you target farm correctly, over time you’ll create relationships with many of these folks. When you speak with someone in a farm area, and you’re confident they’ll know who you are, you should get them into your Power List. You’ll be amazed how much business you can get from this activity. Category #10: Build Relationships with Other REALTORS®: Many agents are hesitant to cultivate relationships with their “competition.” But there are many agents you don’t compete with who could send you business. They include…

  • Land and Lot representatives who generate leads outside of their specialty…
  • Subdivision site sales (see “new home sales reps in #8)…
  • Specific Area Specialists – frequently they get leads outside of their sales area. Shouldn’t they call you for a finders fee?

Whew! That’s a pretty long list. It’s long because I wanted to give you as many possible “memory triggers” for adding folks into your database. Don’t get overwhelmed. The most important point is that you simply START the process. You’ll see, very quickly your list will grow larger and larger – once you make the commitment. Remember, you’re building the most valuable asset in your business. And when you employ a Monthly Calendar Contact System, like the Service For Life!® real estate newsletter system… your list starts producing regular new clients, referrals, converted leads, and repeat business. Believe in the marketing – it’s worked for thousands of agents who are making real estate a fantastic, hugely-profitable career. And sure as spring flowers bloom… it will work for you too.

Action Plan:

Every day I meet agents who either have no Power List… or they have a Power List with whom they never communicate – except for a calendar at the end of the year or some other occasional contact. And that’s not going to cut it in this business. So let’s get your Power List started – or if you have a Power List… let’s get it tuned up and ready for action. Take 30 minutes right now and go through The Big List.  Add as many people as you can think.  If you don’t have their contact information, don’t worry about it – just get their names on the list. I’ll show you how to follow-up and get details on your Power List shortly, but for now, just get it started. Oh… one more thing. I need another commitment from you. Commit to me (actually yourself) that you will make the process of managing your Power List a lifetime priority. This means you’ll need to commit to regularly adding folks, purging names, and progressively increasing the quality of people throughout the life of your business. Focus on this simple process and give it priority, and your production will grow and grow automatically. In future articles, I’ll give you easy ways to HARVEST more business from the relationships in your Power List. So keep an eye out for my articles to help you make COMMISSIONS FOR LIFE.


If you start adding folks to your Power List, you’ll find a lot of missing information on your list. It’ll be things like birthdays, kids names, home anniversary dates, etc. Would you like a simple resource to help capture this information…and in the process get new listings and buyers? Then let me help you get it done. Here’s a pre-written letter that will: 1) get you re-acquainted with your Power List, 2) help capture important information you’ll use for your Power List Tracking System™, and 3) most likely get a bunch of new business in the process.

<< Click Here To Download This Letter >>

When you download this letter, you’ll notice there’s something very special about it… It’s sent out before using the Service For Life!® Relationship Marketing System. If you’re looking for a proven system that automatically builds such a close relationship people will think of you (and only you) for referrals, word of mouth and repeat business… then become a member of the best direct-response prospecting and referral producing system on earth: It’ll be the easiest way to harvest more business from your Power List you’ve ever seen.  

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