A Simple, $100,000 Commission-Boosting Listing Strategy

There’s a concept I’ve used for years when helping REALTORS® that…in and of itself…can multiply your production almost instantly and with minimum effort. I call the concept: Finding the “Points Of Leverage™” in your business.

What are Points of Leverage™?

Points of Leverage™ are actually areas (or assets) of your practice that are either undiscovered or being completely under-exploited – or both. They’re areas of opportunity where one little change, tweak or modification can bring about a huge increase in your production.

I’ve never seen a real estate practice (or any business for that matter) that didn’t have many Points of Leverage™ from which to create enormous growth. And the bigger your practice, the more points of leverage seem to avail themselves.

Problem is, like any business owner, you’re frequently “too close to the forest to see the trees.” So the areas where you can multiply your production just go unnoticed…until someone (from the outside) churns things up a bit.

Well, today I want to introduce to you a “Point Of Leverage™” that has produced over $6-figures for agents who employ it. It was submitted by agent Jodi Bakst of North Carolina. I’ve taken Jodi’s idea she emailed over to me (to share with you) and enhanced it slightly so you can easily implement it into your business starting tomorrow morning.

We use PROQUEST TECHNOLOGIES (https://proquesttechnologies.com/) because, 1) they offer a fantastic marketing course with their system, 2) we can track incoming calls from prospects via the internet and other ways, and 3) we can program our system so any time a prospect calls it INSTANTLY PAGES one of us, and 4) they’re one of the most affordable in the market today with world class service and support.

Here’s what we do with ALL of our listings in 3 EASY STEPS:

STEP 1: We place a simple RED sign next to our listing sign with a simple “24-Hour Free Recorded Home Info” teaser with the 800 number below it (in white lettering). Notice the sign says “recorded information, 24 hrs. a day”. This tells prospects they can call and they won’t get manipulated or sold by a “person” ? so they feel safe calling. We’ve tested different color signs and different language, but the simple RED sign works best.

If you can’t place 2 signs on the property, then use a red sign rider (see example below). It’s easy. (And if you can’t place signs at all in a subdivision, this works gangbusters with classifieds, sign-in sheets or any other advertising. So keep reading.)


STEP 2: We then record a great description of the home on our Proquest System. It takes about 5 minutes per listing, and it’s so easy we can’t understand why every agent doesn’t do it. But they don’t and that’s good for us.

Anyway, we try to make the recording interesting and sometimes humorous. We give it personality. We’ll highlight unique features of the home, talk about the area, tell funny stories, and sometimes add a little financing information as well.

The people driving by the property are frequently BUYERS looking in the neighborhood. This not only speeds up the sale of the listing (and we capture both sides of the transaction), but gives us a steady stream of buyer leads every single day.

But it gets better: Sometimes they’re NEIGHBORS who are thinking of selling their home, which is how we pick up more listings using this system? we get there first because of this system.

The people love our recording so much they sometimes call back 2 or 3 times.


The agent can instantly return the call (the buyers are blown away by our responsiveness!), answer questions, build rapport and establish a client.

It’s an automatic lead generation system that’s brought us more business than we can count.

BONUS: We also use the Proquest 800 IVR lines with our newspaper classifieds. We get more calls off of this than ANY of the old fashioned vanity ads.

One Final Thought: Here’s another “Point of Leverage™. Most agents (and I mean 95%) really compromise their production and income because they don’t have a LEAD FOLLOW-UP system working for them? multiple contact at regular intervals. They make one or two calls (and they’re usually cold by the time they get back to the prospect in the first place), then forget about the prospect? BIG MISTAKE!

If you read the FSBO article earlier, you’d find that Linda Fogarty literally MULTIPLIED her conversions and production the minute she started following-up 5 to 10 contacts. Like Woody Allen said…

“90% Of Success Is Just Showing Up!”

What do you think of that idea? Can you see how a simple and easy “Point of Leverage™” can make a big difference in your lead and client flow? And these are prospects all calling YOU.

So how do you implement a system like this into your practice?

Just plug it into your “listing checklist” you or your assistant manages each time you take a listing. For example, when you take a listing, you’ve got a list of items you need to do: order signs, enter home into MLS, SPDS, etc. Just add this system right into your checklist.

Now, imagine how many calls you get if you have a system like this with EVERY listing you take? I got a call about 2 weeks ago from one of our agents who averages over 40 calls PER DAY using a system like this.

Combine the use of your hotline with classified ads, and other methods you use to promote your listings, and you could have more prospects than you can handle in your practice!

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