A Post Card Prospecting Strategy That Gets Results

“After being in the business since 1974, the most essential advertising to help people recognize me, when ready to buy or sell, is to continually send simple small post cards about listings (and not about me).”

“I print them with my own computer, 4 on a page, and send out weekly to a small number (200) every Monday. I keep it simple so that I consistently do it. That is only 50 pages printed on card stock and cut into 4. Put a post card stamp on it and it goes first class. That way it’ll be returned if they have moved, and I also get my mailing list corrected. I find agents try to send out too many at one time and never repeat sending because it cost too much or is overwhelming to them. Always take baby steps, send to a different neighborhood, or group of people each Monday. When done, start over with the same people. I usually try to repeat every 30 days.”

“I also send out a newsletter every 45 days to the whole group–3 fold, bulk mail, yellow paper with black print. They read this newsletter and compliment me all the time because they know me through the post cards. I have done this since 1989 and I work from referrals most of the time now, but I have system and keep with it. My past customers, and present customers are added immediately to my list.”

“Many move out of the area and I take them off, keeping my list updated by that 1st class mail post card. Just think baby steps and you will do it! I use a cartoon caricature of me to stand out from other agents.”

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