Smartphone Video Editing Apps for Realtors

Video Editing Basics On Your Smartphone

After teaching video for over ten years to REALTORS just like you I never get tired of hearing … “Hey Guess What – VIDEO is the next BIG THING!”

And it’s no wonder with almost 50% of all mobile traffic being video, and a National Association of Realtors stat that says over 70% of home sellers would prefer to work with an agent doing video.

So here’s the thing, that smartphone that you carry around with you is basically a media miracle. For the first time in human history you can shoot, edit and upload video to the web for the world to see – using that smartphone you’re holding in your hand!

What many Realtors don’t realize is that you can do some pretty cool video editing by downloading a relatively inexpensive editing app.

So today I am going to show you how to do a basic trim – with no app, an overview of what an editing app does and finally, recommend what I consider to be the best video editing apps for both IOS and Android.


Smartphone Video Editing Apps

If you have an iPhone the easiest app to get started with is iMovie and best of all … you already have it installed FREE. And as Realtors, we LOVE free!

In the video above I actually show you what the iMovie editor looks like and the basic functions, so if you haven’t watched the video – Click Play and be amazed!

For Android users my go-to smartphone video editing app is Cyber Link PowerDirector 

This is a crazy powerful app and like iMovie, relatively easy to use and master. Now unlike iMovie, it’s not free BUT you can download a trial version and mess around with it and see what you think of it.

Finally, there is one I think is a well-kept secret because it works on Both IOS and Android. It’s called Kinemaster

I give it a big thumbs up because we tend to jump from phone to phone, so if you’ve mastered Kinemaster on your iPhone and then later decide to switch to an Android you won’t have to learn how to use a new app.

Like PowerDirector, there is a free version you can download and mess with. Just keep in mind it will watermark your videos with their logo until you upgrade to the paid version.

As I mentioned, all of these smartphone video editing apps are relatively easy to use and master and will allow to add text, music, transitions and a host of other cool effects.

So Lights, Camera Action … pick one and have some fun … Oh and send me a link to your video!

6 responses to “Video Editing Basics On Your Smartphone”

  1. Clark Niblock Avatar

    Thanks Michael. Top Notch Video Insight!

    1. Michael Krisa Avatar
      Michael Krisa

      Thank you Clark – missed you guys in TX last week.


  2. Cheryl Avatar

    very informative. I will let you know about the apps after trying them. Please keep sending more information.

    1. Michael Krisa Avatar
      Michael Krisa

      Thanks Cheryl for the comment. I use those apps extensively for mobile video – youโ€™ll love them!

      All Good Wishes,

  3. Bill Berger Avatar
    Bill Berger

    Just got a smart phone(android) and sure could use smart phone lessons. Barely know how to answer and make calls.

    1. inneragent Avatar

      Hi Bill!

      We understand- it can be confusing when you get a new phone. We found this article to be helpful:

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