The Best Books to Grow Your Business & Improve Your Life

The most successful people all share one commonality: they make time to read (or listen to) books and articles that help improve their businesses and lives. That’s probably why you’re reading this article as an Agent Inner Circle Member.

Don’t just take it from me though, various studies have shown that reading heightens brain connectivity, enhances fluid reasoning, increases emotional intelligence and improves concentration. 1

That all sounds pretty good, right? It gets better.

Some books go above and beyond incremental improvements in your business or brain and can be groundbreaking, formative or even revelatory. These are the types of books that change how you think about a topic and set a foundation going forward. The real standout pieces that have a significant impact on improving your life.

The AIC Top 10 Book List

That’s why we’re creating the AIC Top 10 Book List, to highlight the absolute best of the best literature that you can use to improve your business and life – and we want your help!

To help give you some guidance, first let me share 3 of my favorite books that I think fit the criteria. Then I’m going to ask for your input and nominations below. (Plus, maybe you’ll find the next book for your reading list!)

My Favorite Books (Set Foundations)

1. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

One of my favorite books of all time. Since it was written in 1936, this book has been a manual across generations for building personal relationships, but the lessons are no less valid today than they were 100 years ago. If you haven’t read it, don’t worry, it’s not about manipulation. At the core, this book is about genuinely caring for people and putting in the work to win their friendship. There’s a reason this book is an all time best seller, and why I’ve re-read it every couple of years. I would highly suggest adding this to your reading list.

2. Good to Great by Jim Collins

A business research masterpiece that outlines how companies become “Great” and why others fail to make the transition. The research team defined “Great” as financial performance that is several multipliers better than the market for at least 15 years. They then did a deep dive into all of the companies that fit the criteria to find the overlapping practices and possible causes for success. What they found might surprise you – but I won’t spoil the book. What I will say is that there are a number of great revelations about growing amazing businesses.

3. Dotcom Secrets by Russell Brunson

Having worked in the digital space for close to a decade when I read this, I never thought I’d add an online marketing book to my top list, but this title is a must. This is the most succinct overview of digital marketing I’ve come across, and it’s accessible for everyone. There may be more thorough books or series on the topic, but Brunson does an amazing job wrapping what is normally an incredibly complex topic in a nice little bow. If you’re looking to better understand how to generate an audience, leads, and clients – this book is for you!

What Are Your Favorite Books?

As you can see, all of the books I’ve outlined set foundations for ways people can better their lives. They also give people the tools they need to shift and improve themselves, often with small changes. 

Now that you have an idea of the types of books I’m talking about – what are your favorite books? What books changed your business or life? 

Over the next 2 weeks we’ll be taking your nominations, investigating the best of the best and then releasing our list on Wednesday, August 12th! This will be our ultimate list of books, so you absolutely won’t want to miss all of these opportunities. 

I’ll also be going LIVE in our private Facebook Group with cliff notes and discussions about some of the books as we go – so stay tuned there as well.

Pro Tips: Get Creative With Your Books
How To Read More
I know finding time to read can be challenging, so if you’re looking to get through a few more titles this year, try scheduling reading time into your daily routine. I like to fit it in whenever I have downtime, so I listen to books on Audible while I’m getting ready in the morning or driving somewhere. Another great way to read on-the-go is to download your books to the Kindle App available on your phone. Read while you’re on hold or waiting places. Finally, I find that replacing some of that good ol’ tube time with reading time really helps me power through the pages. When you feel like watching a show/movie, try reading first! Download on audible to listen while getting ready in the morning, driving etc.

Books in Your Business
Add some of your favorite books to your arsenal of closing gifts for clients. An AIC Member explains how she uses books to deepen the relationship with her clients at closing by including something personally relevant to each of them: “Earlier this year I helped a 27 year-old buy his first home. He was trying to start off on the right foot financially by doing something smart with his money. In addition to some other closing gifts I gave him, I also sent him a digital copy of ‘Becoming Your Own Banker’ via Kindle.” – Tawny Aubrey

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