How to Get Business NOW – Spending Nearly $0.00

Then keep reading, because this will be one of the most valuable and powerful marketing strategies you’ll ever use in your practice. I’m very serious. Keep reading, you won’t regret it…

I’ve seen booms and busts in real estate over the past three decades of my career. And regardless of the market I’ve never stopped looking for proven ways to make my marketing dollars stretch as far as possible.

Today’s market requires you to stretch like never before.

Most businesses (and agents) cut marketing programs during slow times and, in the process, lose tremendous market share and revenue. What they also don’t realize is a recession is an opportunity (actually a mandate if you want to survive) to gain an increasing share of a declining market.

It’s in times when everyone else is cutting back that you need to market MORE not less.

Question is, how do you market more frequently AND

more effectively while spending LESS money??

Here’s how: First, your selection of the right “market” is at least 80% of your success. And the most valuable market (and business asset) you own is your House List, or what some agents call your Sphere of Influence.

They include your past clients, quality leads, friends, family and acquaintances who know you or know OF you. These are the people most likely to welcome and respond to your message (especially if it’s value-oriented – more in a minute).

They’re also the highest quality people you’ll ever work with in your practice. They qualify and close at the highest rates.

Don’t have a “house list”?

Then start one. One of our agents started adding just 2 people a day to her database (past clients, family, friends, common associations such as church, community organizations, etc.), and in her first year alone made over $122,000 in commissions from the group.

And she keeps making a growing $6-Figures each year from them. Not bad in my book.

OK, now, the way you “market” to your House List is to do something radically different from what other agents are doing…something that will set you APART from other agents, bring great VALUE, bond a deeper RELATIONSHIP, AND give people specific REASONS to communicate with you and use your services.

Your communication needs to have 3 purposes: 1) converting leads to clients, 2) generating new clients, and 3) motivating referrals and repeat business.

I’m talking about creating a very, very different, but simple-as-pie EMAIL Marketing Program.

But remember, you don’t want to be sending “pitch” emails to folks – that will just make them angry. Instead, you want to send them something that will be welcomed and valued on it’s own merit.

And here’s how you do it – step by step…

STEP #1: Find “The Right” Kind of Contact to Send – Something That WORKS.

This is going to sound like a pitch, but read on because it’s important.

I want you to go to, and scroll down BELOW the input form, and click on the “order” button.

Or you can call my office and speak with Michele or Karen at (800) 622-2540 (land line: 520-546-1349) – they’re terrific people. Be sure to ask them for the special limited-time “Agent Inner Circle Member Deal” (don’t forget, OK?).

Why do this?

Because for just $67 a month you can get a ready-to-use newsletter that is written FOR you, engineered with ALL the elements you need to make it “work”: 1) High Readership Content, 2) 7 proven “Bonding Elements” to build the relationship, and 3) 14 Specific “Offers” to convert leads and generate referrals, word of mouth and repeat business.

You could spend 15 to 20 hours a month researching, writing, editing, rewriting, etc. your own (and still not get it right) or you can let me do it for you. Be smart – you practice real estate, I’ll write your marketing communication. Seriously, just do it – you won’t regret it.

OK, now that you’ve done that, here’s the “radically different” part: You’re going to convert your newsletter to a simple .pdf document and EMAIL it out.

Why do it this way?

People will welcome your .pdf document because it’s PERSONAL and DIFFERENT and will stand out, and can be read on-screen or printed out (by the way 99% of all computers have Adobe Acrobat Reader already installed, so nearly every human soul can read it just by clicking on the attached file). AND…they can very easily forward it to family and friends on their email list – free viral marketing for you.

Plus, there’s another use for your pdf newsletter and I’ll share it with you at the end of this article – let’s keep going…

Step #2: Here’s how to send your newsletter:

1: Customize your newsletter as usual as if it were written by “you” (another very important reason to use Service For Life!®), updating it with your contact information, phone, email and web sites – just like you do every time you send it. It’s very easy.

2: Convert your documents to an Adobe Acrobat File (.pdf). If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat full version on your computer you can get a free .pdf converter online by either going to or, or you can search Google or Yahoo, etc. for a “Free PDF Converter”. It’s Free, Easy and very Fast.

3: 3: Send your .pdf newsletter out by email attachment. When your issue is ready to go you can email it to your database of contacts one of three ways:

  • Send using your existing email software since it’s free and takes just seconds (Outlook for Windows, or “Mail” for Macs). Just create your message (see below), enter your recipients from your address book, attach the document, and “BAM!” you’re done. This is best if your list is smaller than 100 people.
  • If your list is bigger than 100, you can send your direct-response newsletter using an “email send” software. You can also customize your message using a merge function. Investigate these programs I’ve used with success: or These simple programs will allow you to store your contacts in a simple database, and send right off your computer (no, I’m not an affiliate trying to sell you email software – I’ve used these myself).
  • If your list is really large (5,000+), or you want a more powerful list server, send using an online-based list server. Companies I have used include:,, or

Here’s the message I want you to use in your email:

Subject Line: [[FirstName]], Your Current Issue is Here

Dear [[Firstname]],

I hope you are doing well. In order to save paper, I have attached this month’s issue of my Service For Life!® free consumer newsletter to this email. It’s loaded with useful consumer and health tips, wild trivia, funny jokes, entertainment, quotes and more. I hope you enjoy it!

It’s in an adobe acrobat (.pdf) format, which nearly every computer has installed. But if you cannot open my newsletter, you can quickly and easily install a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader at

Enjoy today’s issue, and I’ll see you soon!

Best regards,

[[Your Name, phone, email, web site]]

Again, merging the first name is optional, but I like to do it because it’s more personal. Don’t forget to ATTACH your newsletter to your message. And please don’t spam folks – it angers them and is horribly ineffective as a marketing strategy.

OK, that’s it. Easy, don’t you think? And get this: It will take you about 20-30 minutes a month to do this – TOPS.

Listen…I mean this…please don’t be like the “mediocre masses” who cower and whimper in the face of challenges. This is what separates the “players” from the “posers.”

You can do this. All it takes is a small commitment and a few minutes of your time – that’s it. I’ve seen it work wonders for a lots of agents now. Just try it and see for yourself. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

OH…and I almost forgot: Don’t forget you can also add your .pdf newsletter to your website! Search engines love .pdf’s, so you’re getting more bang for your buck. AND…having a new issue on your site each month motivates people to return.

So don’t wait. Do it now – it’s dirt cheap, amazingly effective, and “may” be the ONE thing you do to survive and prosper during this crazy market.

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What Are Agents Saying

“Finally!! A newsletter that is worth reading. I find the articles to be very informative and can see how I would implement them into my business. Thank you.” Greg Younger, REALTOR®

“I’m a coach at one of the biggest coaching firms around, but your articles have helped my business more than the stuff I teach to my students.” Sid F., REALTOR®

“I love this newsletter. Thank you for organizing and sending it.” Lynn Hicks, REALTOR®