Horror Story: They Don’t Get Much Crazier Than This!

I had a listing with a client for about two weeks. She called me up to tell me she was going out of town for the next week, and that we could just show it anytime, she didn’t need to be notified, and she gave me the date to start calling her again for updates.

During that week, we had no showings, we had six in the prior two weeks, though. She gets back and calls me to let me know that, and asks if there had been any showings, to which I let her know, unfortunately no.

Two days later she calls me up, and wants to know who showed the house while she was gone, I again informed her that no one had. Two days later she calls up and asks the same thing, I again informed her it had not happened.

The next day she calls me and tells me that her footlocker appears to have been gone through, and it must have happened while she was gone. I again let her know that no one had shown the home.

The next day she calls me to tell me that there is stuff missing out of her dresser drawers, again it must have happened while she was gone. After I had her come to the office so she could see the showing sheet, she then calls me right after leaving the office. She tells me that it must have been me, since I have the code.

Right then and there I told her I would be over in fifteen minutes to give her the keys out of the box, and take my sign. She acted surprised, and tried to talk about other stuff, but I told her I was on my way.

Before I left, my Broker told me I may want to take a police officer with me, considering the allegations this client was making. I thought it was a good idea, and called one of my friends at the PD (I have been a fireman since 1991 in this town) and he showed up with me. He stood off to the side of the door where she could not see him.

She answered the door, I handed her the keys and told her she would have to contact another agent. She said, “You know Pat, I could ruin you”. I said, well ma’am that is not really something I get into, playing games like that.

She said, “I may just say that you raped me”. At this point, the officer stuck his head out, and asked if there was a problem, she freaked out, he told her filing a fake police report is a crime, and she screamed a not so nice word at me, and slammed the door.

I have to thank my broker for her suggestion of bringing a cop with me. Had I not, it could have been ugly. I learned to use an electronic box, and to always keep my guard up for the strange ones.

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