Horror Story: The Adventures of Showing Homes, Grumpy Clients, and the Payoff of Persistence

This is a horror story that was rather funny! After showing my clients many houses over the course of 2 weekends, we were coming down to the wire. Their house was closing in two weeks and they still had not found the right house for them…

So we trudged on, during the final weekend marathon of house hunting with their college graduate daughter in tow, we headed out. After about 4 houses we came to the door of the 5th, which we almost didn’t even try to see because of the steep hill and the husband was really not excited about it, but being the good agent, I said, we’re hear, we have an appointment. Let’s go ahead.

Now following all my REALTOR® training I did as I was taught and let the family enter ahead of me after unlocking the door. Suddenly the daughter and mother were back peddling and mumbling in a whisper, “someone’s here, someone’s here!” Being certain they were wrong I stepped in to be met by a very irate home owner yelling “Get out, you don’t have an appointment!” To which I assured him I did! Nonetheless we DID NOT see that home.

I was mortified and my clients fell into the car laughing. I couldn’t believe that this had happened. I found out later that the homeowner’s own agent had nicknamed him “Mr. Grumpy”.

Oh well, at least they had their clothes on! Oh by the way, the next house I managed to forget to take the alarm code in with me and set the burglar alarm off. The daughter was pretty much done with me after that and wouldn’t go inside the other listings! I did sell them a house that next day however.

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