Horror Story: Reckless Neighbor Nearly Creates Fire Sale!

A case of pure frustration happened just last month to a buyer and seller that I was working with. The buyer wanted desperately to get into the home and out of his sold home.

The inspections were performed and everything was going along very well. Then a very old next door neighbor went out to burn papers in her burn barrel and it was very dry, and sparks fell out of the barrel and set the grass on fire. The fire then spread to her pole barn causing a fire, which burned up two motor vehicles inside and a motor home along side the building. It also melted the siding on the home that we had in escrow.

The appraiser came out and said he would not approve of the appraisal until the siding had been repaired. The buyer hired a contractor and when the siding was in place on the damaged side of the home pictures were taken and sent to the appraiser. He advised that because other pieces of siding were now missing at the corners that the entire home would have to done before he would release his appraisal.

During this interim time period of waiting and working to get the property to close the lender went on vacation for a week also. The elderly owner of the home was called after the fire as he lives in another state and he advised that he canceled his home insurance about six months ago.

The buyer was notified and a new price of the home was negotiated and the sale closed about three weeks late or about seven weeks after the contract was originally written. Buyers and sellers working together to get it closed sure helped.

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