Horror Story: Obvious Signs You’re Dealing With A Creeper

“One day, while on floor time, I got a call from a man that was passing through on his way North to his family’s camp.  I was a brand new agent and very anxious to make my first sale.

The man asked me if he could see a particular property ‘right away!’  I said, ‘Of course, I think that owner is away for the weekend, I’ll meet you there in 15 minutes.’  I knew better but I really wanted a sale, so I rushed over to meet the man.

We chatted briefly as we approached the front door, he made comments on how pretty I was and I started wondering what I had gotten myself into.

Once inside, we discovered the owner was home after all.  She had come home early from her weekend away.  As we went to the basement, he started saying things that made me feel ‘creepy.’  It was dark and I became very anxious to get back up stairs.

Once outside, he seemed like he was in a rush to leave, turning his head, as he got into his truck, he said, ‘Tell your husband he’s a lucky man!’  From the tone in his voice, it was not meant to compliment me!  I really felt I had dodged a bullet that day and I’ve never let my guard down since.”

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