Horror Story: How “Knott” To Find The Right Penthouse

“A few years ago I was showing condos on Beverly Glen. The penthouse I was to show was vacant, so I got the key from the key box and took my clients up to the top floor.

“When we arrived, I forgot which condo was for sale (there were two on the floor). So I had a brilliant idea. Put the key in the lock, if it doesn’t fit, it HAS to be the other condo.

“As I was jiggling the key in the lock I realized this was NOT the right condo. Suddenly, the door opened, and it was DON KNOTTS! ‘The condo for sale is next door’, he said with a smile. Embarrassed, I apologize for the mishap and walk red-faced with my clients to the other condo. Only in Hollywood!”

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