Horror Story: A Squirrelly Deal!

I rented a vacant home to a friend of mine while their new home was being built. They moved in all weekend and they were so exhausted, they just put their beds on the floor, too tired to set them up properly.

The next morning they awoke to the dog barking and running in circles chasing the squirrel family that were already occupying the home. They ran across the beds and through the baby’s crib and back down across the beds again!

My friend grabbed her kids, and grandma and the dog and ran out of the house. Later, the owner exterminated for the squirrels and everything seemed okay.

The next week at Hockey practice, (our sons played hockey together), her son came running out of the locker room screaming, there is a dead squirrel in my hockey bag! To this day, she says I rented her the house, but she is still my friend.

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