Horror Story: A Rotten Ending To This Transaction

“My clients and I went for a ‘final’ walk through the morning of the closing and it was still full of furniture, rugs, dishes, etc.  Hindsight tells me the furniture and rugs were in certain places for a reason.  You’ll know what I mean in a second…

This was an ‘estate’ home that had been for sale for a long time.  I asked my clients to push the closing another day or two until the selling agent could get the house cleaned out.  But they said it would be ‘okay’ and talked me into continuing the closing and they signed off on the ‘final walk through’.

Well, a day later, when the furniture was removed from the house and I returned with my buyers, we found the floors where rugs and furniture had been were literally rotted out.  And the cabinets in the kitchens where the pots and pans had been were also rotted.  Talk about a disgusting mess.

Months later, we are still in the process of trying to get things cleaned up.  This was a nightmare.  I learned a very valuable lesson here and hope no one else has to go through it.  Sure…I’ve heard the warnings before from fellow agents, but I’m telling you from first-hand experience…please, please, please don’t close on a house until the occupants are totally moved out.”

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