Help Clients Beat Credit Problems with Multiple Lenders

With credit tight these days, it’s more important than ever to give your clients choices. There’s nothing worse than having a deal go south because your client can’t qualify for a mortgage. Cheryl has found a way to make sure her deals close by giving clients a variety of financing options. (See an example of how an agent/lender resolved a credit glitch in the “Horror Story” below.)

“Some REALTORSยฎ prefer to have one lender finance all of their deals. They often find reasons for doing this (familiarity, easier for the agent, build relationships, etc.). But does that help your client or does it just make things easier for you?

“My experience has been that credit issues can come up any day. Sometimes the credit issues are real, and sometimes not. There can be errors in a person’s credit history, health issues that lead to bad credit or even identity theft.

But when you help clients clear up credit issues, you can sell more homes. One way to do this is to make sure you have multiple lenders with a variety of programs to meet your client’s needs.

“Of course, not everyone should own a home. Some people really do need to rent, and others need a little help overcoming circumstances that are difficult in life. Learn to know the difference–and care about everyone.

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