From Ghouls to Goals: Conquering the Real Estate Phobias Haunting Your Career

Facing Your Professional Phobias: Overcoming the Fears That Hold You Back

As Halloween approaches, we’re all about costumes, haunted houses, and spine-chilling thrills. But let’s face it—sometimes the real “monsters” are the ones lurking in our professional lives. These professional phobias hold us back, keeping us from achieving our potential. In real estate, these fears can feel all too real. From cold calling to networking, public speaking, and managing social media, these fears haunt even the most experienced agents.

Let’s confront these career-spooking phobias and turn them into strengths. Whether you’re a veteran in the industry or just starting, here are some common professional fears and actionable ways to conquer them. So, grab your flashlight, and let’s explore the haunted halls of our professional lives!

The Public Speaking Phantom: Presenting to Large Groups

I absolutely love being on stage, yet every time before I get up there, I’m a ball of nerves. Some of those who know me, like my friend John Gillam, can tell you about my pre-show panic attacks where I feel “not good enough” for the audience. Thankfully, John and others always assure me that most people are cheering me on. What helps me get ready is practice—lots of it. I also do affirmations, listen to a positive playlist, and dance around to shake out the jitters.

When I’m finally on stage, it’s like magic. I sing a little, and I do what I call “waving my magic wand.” I envision the crowd’s energy reciprocating mine as I sweep the room. It’s a powerful feeling to connect with them and feel their energy.

Banish the Phantom: Practice is your best friend. Rehearse your scripts in front of a mirror or record yourself to get comfortable. Start with smaller groups and work up to larger audiences to build confidence gradually. When presenting, focus on one person in the room and imagine you’re having a friendly conversation with them. This turns the pressure of performing into a moment of connection.

Quick Tip: Draw from past experiences where clients or colleagues appreciated your insights. Positive memories can boost your confidence before you step into the spotlight.

The Prospecting Curse: Cold Calling, Door Knocking, and Reaching Out to FSBOs

In real estate, the beauty lies in being able to build your business in whatever way suits you. Working FSBOs or Expireds is classic—it works, but it’s not everyone’s style. Personally, I’ve sworn off FSBOs because it’s just not my cup of tea. I’ve found other methods that suit me better. However, I do think door knocking can be effective if done from a place of genuine value. For example, I might knock on doors to invite neighbors to an exclusive open house or ask my farm area for donations for a charity event. It’s about offering something meaningful.

Break the Curse: Create scripts for each type of outreach and practice them until they feel natural. For door knocking, approach with a friendly, non-pushy attitude and bring something of value. When reaching out to FSBOs, emphasize how your services align with their goals rather than “selling” yourself.

Quick Tip: Turn prospecting into a game by tracking your “tricks” (rejections) versus “treats” (positive responses). Remember, each “no” is just a step closer to a “yes.”

The Networking Nightmare: Walking Into a Room of Strangers

Networking can truly get you places that a degree might not! It’s about meeting people, forming real connections, and being open to where those connections might lead. I’ve had some amazing opportunities come from networking alone. I once arranged my brother and his wife’s honeymoon reservations at an exclusive spot across the country, all because of a random connection!

Escape the Nightmare: Shift your focus from “selling yourself” to building genuine connections. Start with small conversations and prioritize asking questions about the other person’s interests. Set a goal of having three meaningful conversations rather than gathering a pile of business cards.

Quick Tip: Most people in the room share the same anxieties about networking. Imagine you’re the host rather than a guest to help you feel more at ease and approachable.

The Client Ghost: Fear of Unresponsive or Disappearing Clients

Ghosting happens all the time in real estate! But I’ve found that with the application of using a buyer’s agency and requiring consultations upfront, it happens a lot less. Setting clear expectations from the beginning has made a difference in maintaining engagement with clients and reducing the ghosting rate.

Exorcise the Client Ghost: Set expectations for communication early on, letting clients know it’s okay if their plans change and encouraging open updates. Use a regular follow-up schedule, but remember to set boundaries to protect your own time and energy. Sometimes, a gentle check-in message is all it takes to revive a ghosted connection.

Quick Tip: Send friendly, professional reminders, like, “Just checking in to see if there’s anything you need or any questions since we last spoke.” Sometimes, that nudge is all it takes to reconnect.

The Social Media Specter: Fear of Public Feedback and Negative Comments

Social media has become a huge part of real estate marketing, but it brings the fear of negative feedback or public judgment. I really enjoy sharing jokes and inspiring posts that resonate with people, and I love when my posts make a positive impact. If a negative comment pops up, though, I ask myself, “Is this worth my time?” Often, miscommunication online makes it not worth engaging. Sometimes, I’ll pick up the phone to clarify, or if necessary, I’ll just block the person—some people are just miserable.

Banish the Specter: Start with genuine, small updates like market tips or property listings. Prepare a few calm, professional responses for potential negative comments, focusing on positivity. Engagement, whether positive or constructive, means your audience is paying attention.

Quick Tip: Start by responding to positive comments, creating a habit of online engagement with support and encouragement. This builds a supportive online community and helps you feel more comfortable.

Where Do These Fears Come From?

Many of these fears are rooted in fear of judgment, self-doubt, and rejection sensitivity. The competitive nature of real estate can amplify these phobias, especially with high-stakes interactions and a public-facing role. But remember, these fears are part of being human, and they can be overcome with patience and practice.

Practical Strategies to Face Each Fear

Here’s a quick recap of strategies to keep those professional fears in check:

  • Public Speaking: Practice in front of friends or record yourself, and focus on connecting with one person at a time.
  • Prospecting (Cold Calls, Door Knocking, FSBOs): Use scripts and practice, make it a game, and reward yourself for sticking with it.
  • Networking: Start small, aim for genuine conversations, and remind yourself that most people share the same anxieties.
  • Managing Client Ghosting: Set expectations early, create a follow-up plan, and send friendly, non-intrusive reminders.
  • Social Media Presence: Start with simple, authentic posts, respond to positive comments first, and prioritize consistency.


Facing these professional phobias might feel daunting, but each small step forward brings you closer to overcoming them. Imagine the success that awaits once these fears no longer hold you back! This Halloween season, instead of hiding from the “monsters” in your career, take a step forward, flashlight in hand, and confront each fear with confidence and courage. You’ve got this!

Happy Halloween, and happy haunting your fears away!

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