Add 1-5 Sales per Month by Offering Lease Buyouts

Submitted by Thomas Danna, REALTOR® (Thanks Thomas. You’re now in the running for a New FLIP Video Camcorder for submitting your idea at this this link)

If you find a way to help people solve a pressing problem, or offer an appealing alternative to improve their lifestyle, you open yourself up to being their exclusive solution. Here’s how agent Thomas Danna sells 1 to 5 homes a month by, 1) helping builders sell more homes, and 2) helping potential new home buyers get out of existing rental leases and into a home of their dreams…

“Having specialized exclusively in new construction my first 2 years in real estate, I developed very strong relationships with virtually every builder’s representative in my area as well as their management.

Much of my business came from the sales counselors putting me in contact with clients who were ready to buy, but were still obligated to a remaining lease on an apartment or rental home. I would offer to buy their remaining lease out (if reasonable), in order for them to take advantage of the special being offered by the builder.

This is an easy way to get extra sales every month with little effort because the builders rep handles all of the paper work and maintains contact with your client. I rarely meet many of the buyers until closing when I present my card and ask if they know of anyone else needing similar assistance.

The key is to build relationships with well-chosen builders reps, stay in touch and bring clients to their communities. They will be happy to reciprocate by using you for their lease buy-outs. I get at least one extra sale a month with minimal to zero effort using this strategy.”

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