7 Steps for Getting Business - not just leads- from Youtube

7 Secrets to Getting Business from YouTube

This week, we’re sharing an article from an expert we know who gets over 3/4 of her business from Youtube! Sound crazy? We were intrigued, too, and asked Karin Carr to share her secrets with us.

YouTube For Real Estate Agents

Do you want to learn how to get a steady stream of clients and closings from your YouTube channel?  Good, because Iโ€™m here to tell you it works! I have been using my YouTube channel to grow my business like crazy.

Itโ€™s extremely effective and I just don’t see a lot of other agents doing it. Itโ€™s very easy to dominate your market with video when thereโ€™s almost no competition!

Here are the steps to getting business – not just leads, getting actual business – from your YouTube channel.


#1.  You need to figure out what people are searching for.

Google and Youtube are search engines. Make the title of your video searchable. Don’t make a video and upload it to YouTube with a title that’s something like โ€œKarinโ€™s Vlog Episode #27โ€ because no one will ever search for that. The title of your video needs to be something that people are actually interested in learning about.

#2.  Start with a hook, something that grabs the viewerโ€™s attention.

Statistics show that we have exactly 7 seconds to capture their attention. Youโ€™ve got to have a hook that tells them what you’re going to tell them in this video and why they should bother watching. If it is not compelling enough or if you ramble with a big long introduction telling them who you are and why youโ€™re awesome, they are going to hit the back button.

A good hook could be something like, โ€œNo money for a down payment? Today Iโ€™m going to share with you three great down payment assistance programs in Ft. Wayne, IN. Stay tuned!โ€

#3.  Next you want to have some sort of branding.

Have a little intro video play or even just your animated logo. It will play before every single video so after people have seen that once or twice, they start to recognize it.  Itโ€™s a subliminal reinforcement of your brand and this is a good thing!

#4.  After the animated logo you’re going to introduce yourself briefly.

You’re not going to tell them every designation that you have. You’re not going to tell them why you’re a top producer in your market, list all the awards youโ€™ve won, blah blah blah. Nobody cares.  Youโ€™ve got to tell them who you are, the area you service, your brokerage info in order to be in compliance, and why people should watch your channel. Thatโ€™s it! That should take you all of 10-15 seconds.

#5  Now we get to the topic of the video.

Let’s say the topic was 5 great gated communities in Houston.  Make it short enough to keep their attention but long enough to actually give them the info they wanted. These videos need to be much longer than Facebook videos.  I like to aim for about 5 minutes. Keep the pace moving because people these days have very short attention spans. If you are not getting to the point quickly enough, theyโ€™re going to leave.

#6.  You are going to wrap it all up and have some sort of call to action.

Offer them something that is compelling enough that they are willing to give you their contact information in exchange for what you are offering, like a “free 10 step plan to improving your credit score so that you can buy your first house.”

 โ€œIf you know anyone thatโ€™s thinking of buying or selling, call me!โ€ Is NOT an effective call to action.

A good CTA just gives, gives, gives and doesnโ€™t ask for anything return.  Give them something of value without asking for their business or referrals.  I know, it seems counterintuitive, but it works.  It makes the viewer feel that they know, like, and trust you.

#7.   Keep them watching to the very end.

YouTube rewards you for watch time so be engaging. Tease a special bonus or have a blooper reel. Do something to keep them watching as long as possible. The longer they watch, the more they engage, and the higher you will appear in the search results.

So those are my secrets for making YouTube videos that get my phone to ring.  I cannot tell you enough how fabulous YouTube has been for my business.  I do NO COLD PROSPECTING.  All of my leads are inbound and the vast majority of them say they found me on YouTube.

Ready to step up your YouTube game?  Download my free YouTube Success Checkllist by clicking here.  

Or by visiting https://www.youtubeforagents.com/

Scroll down the page- and a pop up will open offering you the checklist if you enter your email. It’s also at the bottom of the page where it says “Get Your Free Gift.”

You can purchase Karin’s complete Youtube course for agents, by clicking the link below.



5 responses to “7 Secrets to Getting Business from YouTube”

  1. Taro Chellaram Avatar

    Looks and sounds good. Except how can you do similar for commercial real estate?

    1. Karin Carr Avatar

      Taro, I don’t see any reason why you can’t do this for commercial. You just need to figure out a) who is your target audience, b) what topics would they want to learn about, and c) what would they type into the Google or YouTube search bar to find those videos?

    2. Michael Krisa Avatar
      Michael Krisa

      Hey Taro – Karin is spot on with her reply. The secret is creating content that speaks to what your customer is looking for.
      So for you in commercial let me ask you … What are the 10 most common questions you get asked?
      Create a 1-2 minute video answering those questions and now you have a 10 part series.
      All Good Wishes,

  2. […] Here are the steps to getting business โ€“ย not just leads, getting actual businessย โ€“ from your YouTube channel. Watch the video and read the article. […]

    1. Michael Krisa Avatar
      Michael Krisa

      Thanks for sharing Jim!

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