
Filters Aren’t Just for Photos

This week, our real estate community stands at a crossroads. Significant changes are sweeping across the industry, and while some agents are embracing the silver linings, many are grappling with fear and uncertainty. The way we’ve conducted business for years is being challenged, and in response, many are turning to social media as a refuge. Social media has always been a powerful tool, but in these uncertain times, itโ€™s becoming even more critical to use it wisely. While Iโ€™ve seen some truly inspiring posts, Iโ€™ve also witnessed a troubling surge in misinformation that only deepens the divide.

In this digital age, social media has revolutionized how we connect, market, and build our brands. But with this transformation comes a set of new responsibilitiesโ€”especially when it comes to maintaining the ethical standards that define us as professionals. It was this realization, in the midst of these industry shifts, that led John Gillam and me, Heather “Sunshine” Haase, to create the class โ€œFilters Arenโ€™t Just for Photos,โ€ which premiered at the NAR Legislative Meetings in May.

This class isnโ€™t just about avoiding technical missteps or perfecting your Instagram feed. Itโ€™s about something much deeperโ€”understanding the impact of every post, every comment, every interaction you have online. The title, โ€œFilters Arenโ€™t Just for Photos,โ€ reflects the need for us to apply thoughtful filters to our thinking and behavior on social media, ensuring that our digital presence truly reflects the high standards we uphold in our professional lives.

Why Ethical Social Media Use Is More Important Than Ever

In real estate, we arenโ€™t just selling propertiesโ€”weโ€™re selling trust, reliability, and expertise. Social media is an incredible platform for demonstrating these qualities, but it also carries risks if not handled with care. Misleading posts, unchecked assumptions, and casual interactions can quickly erode the trust weโ€™ve worked so hard to build.

Our class tackles these risks head-on, offering strategies to help us all navigate the digital landscape with integrity:

  • Your Words Matter: Every word, image, and video you share represents who you are and what you stand for. Itโ€™s crucial to be precise and thoughtful in your online communications to avoid misunderstandings and maintain a professional image.
  • Avoid Assumptions: In the fast-paced world of social media, itโ€™s easy to make assumptions about what your audience knows or understands. But clarity is key. Communicate in a way that ensures your message is understood and enhances comprehension.
  • Take Responsibility: Whether itโ€™s a TikTok video, a Facebook post, or a LinkedIn article, own your content. Stand by your words, learn from your mistakes, and always strive to do your best.

Managing Online Interactions with Heart and Wisdom

Social media is a double-edged sword. It offers a platform for connection, but it also opens the door to emotional responses and potential conflicts. Developing emotional intelligence is essential for navigating these interactions with grace. Focus on using an emotional filter before posting, verifying sources before sharing, and maintaining professionalism in every online engagement. Not only these things but pausing before you share just any post. Take into consideration the nuances of the post that may not apply to you (which could be misrepresenting what you do as an agent) or as I like to put it “Care before you recklessly share”, because every paragraph in that post may not be applicable to you as an agent and you may be misrepresenting your services. In addition, it may be a practice that is legal in one place, but not another, so it can be incredibly important to add in that it may be only applicable to your region.. Not only that, many of these posts are written in anger, and although often they are attempting to reach the consumer, it is often in defense of themselves and resonates with other agents more, almost counteracting the point they are trying to get apart. So make sure you take a moment to pause and think. We are going to be our best PR by what we put out.

The Power of Staying Informed

The digital world is ever-changing, and staying informed about industry standards and legal requirements is not just a good ideaโ€”itโ€™s essential, and it’s a part of your job and Code of Ethics. Continuous learning keeps us sharp, competent, and ready to face the challenges that come our way. In addition, reliable resources are incredibly important to have.

Beyond the Screen: Making a Positive Impact

But thereโ€™s something even more important at stakeโ€”how our actions online ripple out into the world. In todayโ€™s interconnected world, what you post has the potential to reach far beyond your immediate circle. Itโ€™s vital to understand the far-reaching consequences of your online actions and how to use social media to positively impact our communities and the real estate industry as a whole.

A Call to Higher Standards

โ€œFilters Arenโ€™t Just for Photosโ€ is a call to action. It challenges us to view social media not just as a marketing tool, but as a reflection of our ethical standards and professional integrity. It encourages us to hold ourselves and each other to a higher standard, ensuring that our online presence is both impactful and responsible.

In a world where digital interactions are becoming increasingly important, we need to do better as a community. We need to hold each other accountable and work together to build a future we can all be proud of. As my colleague John Gillam so wisely said, โ€œAs REALTORSยฎ, what we do today affects all of us in the future. My reputation is tied to yours. If we all work to expect more from each other, we will continue to build over 100 years of professional development, we will accomplish the goals laid out in the C.O.E., Preamble, and our consumers will always come out ahead.โ€

Letโ€™s rise to the occasion, together.

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